#!/usr/bin/env sh # Script for acme.sh to deploy certificates to a VMware UAG appliance # # The following variables can be exported: # # export DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_USERNAME="admin" # export DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PASSWORD="" # required # export DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_HOST="" # required (comma seperated list) # export DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PORT="9443" # export DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_SSL_VERIFY="yes" # # ######## Public functions ##################### #domain keyfile certfile cafile fullchain vmwareuag_deploy() { _cdomain="$1" _ckey="$2" _ccert="$3" _cca="$4" _cfullchain="$5" # Some defaults DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_USERNAME_DEFAULT="admin" DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_SSL_VERIFY_DEFAULT="yes" DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PORT_DEFAULT="9443" if [ -f "${DOMAIN_CONF}" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1090 . "${DOMAIN_CONF}" fi _debug _cdomain "${_cdomain}" _debug _ckey "${_ckey}" _debug _ccert "${_ccert}" _debug _cca "${_cca}" _debug _cfullchain "${_cfullchain}" # USERNAME is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_USERNAME_DEFAULT}" if [ -n "${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_USERNAME}" ]; then Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_username="${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_USERNAME}" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_username "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_username}" elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_username}" ]; then Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_username="${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_USERNAME_DEFAULT}" fi # PASSWORD is required. if [ -n "${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PASSWORD}" ]; then Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_password="${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PASSWORD}" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_password "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_password}" elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_password}" ]; then _err "DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PASSWORD is required" return 1 fi # HOST is required. if [ -n "${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_HOST}" ]; then Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_host="${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_HOST}" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_host "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_host}" elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_host}" ]; then _err "DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_HOST is required" return 1 fi # SSL_VERIFY is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_SSL_VERIFY_DEFAULT}" if [ -n "${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_SSL_VERIFY}" ]; then Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_ssl_verify="${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_SSL_VERIFY}" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_ssl_verify "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_ssl_verify}" elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_ssl_verify}" ]; then Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_ssl_verify="${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_SSL_VERIFY_DEFAULT}" fi # PORT is optional. If not provided then assume "${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PORT_DEFAULT}" if [ -n "${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PORT}" ]; then Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_port="${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PORT}" _savedomainconf Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_port "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_port}" elif [ -z "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_port}" ]; then Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_port="${DEPLOY_VMWAREUAG_PORT_DEFAULT}" fi # Set variables for later use _user="${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_username}:${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_password}" _contenttype="Content-Type: application/json" # shellcheck disable=SC2002 _privatekeypem="$(cat "${_ckey}" | awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}')" _certchainpem="$(cat "${_ccert}" "${_cca}" | awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}')" _port="${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_port}" _path="/rest/v1/config/certs/ssl/end_user" _debug _user "${_user}" _debug _contenttype "${_contenttype}" _debug _privatekeypem "${_privatekeypem}" _debug _certchainpem "${_certchainpem}" _debug _port "${_port}" _debug _path "${_path}" # Create JSON request _jsonreq=$(_mktemp) _debug _jsonreq "${_jsonreq}" printf '{ "privateKeyPem": "%s", "certChainPem": "%s" }' "${_privatekeypem}" "${_certchainpem}" >"${_jsonreq}" _debug JSON "$(cat "${_jsonreq}")" # Send request via curl if command -v curl; then _info "Using curl" if [ "${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_ssl_verify}" = "yes" ]; then _opts="" else _opts="-k" fi _oldifs=${IFS} IFS=, for _host in ${Le_Deploy_vmwareuag_host}; do _url="https://${_host}:${_port}${_path}" _debug _url "${_url}" curl ${_opts} -X PUT -H "${_contenttype}" -d "@${_jsonreq}" -u "${_user}" "${_url}" done IFS=${_oldifs} # Remove JSON request file [ -f "${_jsonreq}" ] && rm -f "${_jsonreq}" elif command -v wget; then _info "Using wget" _err "Not implemented" # Remove JSON request file [ -f "${_jsonreq}" ] && rm -f "${_jsonreq}" return 1 fi return 0 }