#!/usr/bin/env sh # Deploy script to install keys to the openhab keystore # This script attempts to restart the openhab service upon completion. # In order for this to work, the user running acme.sh needs to be able # to execute the DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_RESTART command # (default: sudo service openhab restart) without needing a password prompt. # To ensure this deployment runs properly ensure permissions are configured # correctly, or change the command variable as needed. # Configutation options: # DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYPASS : The default should be appropriate here for most cases, # but change this to change the password used for the keystore. # DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYSTORE : The full path of the openhab keystore file. This will # default to a path based on the $OPENHAB_USERDATA directory. # This should generate based on existing openhab env vars. # DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_RESTART : The command used to restart openhab openhabian_deploy() { # Name parameters, load configs _cdomain="$1" _ckey="$2" _ccert="$3" _cca="$4" _cfullchain="$5" _debug _cdomain "$_cdomain" _debug _ckey "$_ckey" _debug _ccert "$_ccert" _debug _cca "$_cca" _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain" _getdeployconf DEPLOY_UNIFI_KEYSTORE _getdeployconf DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYPASS _getdeployconf DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_RESTART _debug2 DEPLOY_UNIFI_KEYSTORE "$DEPLOY_UNIFI_KEYSTORE" _debug2 DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYPASS "$DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYPASS" _debug2 DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_RESTART "$DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_RESTART" # Define configurable options _openhab_keystore="${DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYSTORE:-${OPENHAB_USERDATA}/etc/keystore}" _openhab_keypass="${DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYPASS:-openhab}" _default_restart="sudo service openhab restart" _openhab_restart="${DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_RESTART:-$_default_restart}" _debug _openhab_keystore "$_openhab_keystore" _debug _openhab_keypass "$_openhab_keypass" _debug _openhab_restart "$_openhab_restart" # Take a backup of the old keystore _debug "Storing a backup of the existing keystore at ${_openhab_keystore}.bak" cp "${_openhab_keystore}" "${_openhab_keystore}.bak" # Verify Dependencies/PreReqs if ! _exists keytool; then _err "keytool not found, please install keytool" return 1 fi if [ ! -w "$_openhab_keystore" ]; then _err "The file $_openhab_keystore is not writable, please change the permission." return 1 fi # Generate PKCS12 keystore _new_pkcs12="$(_mktemp)" # _toPkcs doesn't support -nodes param if ${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} pkcs12 \ -export \ -inkey "$_ckey" \ -in "$_ccert" \ -certfile "$_cca" \ -name mykey \ -out "$_new_pkcs12" \ -nodes -passout "pass:$_openhab_keypass"; then _debug "Successfully created pkcs keystore" else _err "Error generating pkcs12." _err "Please re-run with --debug and report a bug." rm "$_new_pkcs12" return 1 fi # Remove old cert from existing keychain if keytool -delete \ -alias mykey \ -deststorepass "$_openhab_keypass" \ -keystore "$_openhab_keystore"; then _info "Successfully deleted old key" else _err "Error deleting old key" _err "Please re-run with --debug and report a bug." rm "$_new_pkcs12" return 1 fi # Add new certificate to keychain if keytool -importkeystore \ -srckeystore "$_new_pkcs12" \ -srcstoretype PKCS12 \ -srcstorepass "$_openhab_keypass" \ -alias mykey \ -destkeystore "$_openhab_keystore" \ -deststoretype jks \ -deststorepass "$_openhab_keypass" \ -destalias mykey; then _info "Successfully imported new key" else _err "Failure when importing key" _err "Please re-run with --debug and report a bug." rm "$_new_pkcs12" return 1 fi # Reload openhab service if eval "$_openhab_restart"; then _info "Restarted opehnab" else _err "Failed to restart openhab, please restart openhab manually." _err "The new key has been installed, but openhab may not use it until restarted" _err "To prevent this error, override the restart command with DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_RESTART \ and ensure it can be called by the acme.sh user" return 1 fi _savedeployconf DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYSTORE "$DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYSTORE" _savedeployconf DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYPASS "$DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_KEYPASS" _savedeployconf DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_RESTART "$DEPLOY_OPENHABIAN_RESTART" rm "$_new_pkcs12" }