FROM alpine:3.17 RUN apk --no-cache add -f \ openssl \ openssh-client \ coreutils \ bind-tools \ curl \ sed \ socat \ tzdata \ oath-toolkit-oathtool \ tar \ libidn \ jq ENV LE_CONFIG_HOME / ARG AUTO_UPGRADE=1 ENV AUTO_UPGRADE $AUTO_UPGRADE #Install with --no-cron (cron created at first run of 'daemon') COPY ./ / RUN cd / && ([ -f / ] && / --install --no-cron || curl | sh) && rm -rf / RUN ln -s /root/ /usr/local/bin/ && \ # Install cronjob on first run. This enables each instances crontab to be randomly timed instead of random per build # Remove > /dev/null so BusyBox's crond -f will output stdout/stderr from cronjobs echo '@reboot /usr/local/bin/--install-cronjob && crontab -l | grep | sed "s#> /dev/null##" | crontab - && crontab -l | grep -v @reboot | crontab - || /usr/local/bin/--uninstall-cronjob && crontab -l' | crontab - && \ # Output crontab during build process for verification/debugging crontab -l RUN for verb in help \ version \ install \ uninstall \ upgrade \ issue \ signcsr \ deploy \ install-cert \ renew \ renew-all \ revoke \ remove \ list \ info \ showcsr \ install-cronjob \ uninstall-cronjob \ cron \ toPkcs \ toPkcs8 \ update-account \ register-account \ create-account-key \ create-domain-key \ createCSR \ deactivate \ deactivate-account \ set-notify \ set-default-ca \ set-default-chain \ ; do \ printf -- "%b" "#!/usr/bin/env sh\n/root/ --${verb} --config-home / \"\$@\"" >/usr/local/bin/--${verb} && chmod +x /usr/local/bin/--${verb} \ ; done RUN printf "%b" '#!'"/usr/bin/env sh\n \ if [ \"\$1\" = \"daemon\" ]; then \n \ exec crond -f \n \ else \n \ exec -- \"\$@\"\n \ fi\n" >/ && chmod +x / VOLUME / ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD ["--help"]