#!/usr/bin/env sh # shellcheck disable=SC2034 dns_nsd_info='NLnetLabs NSD Server Site: github.com/NLnetLabs/nsd Docs: github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/dnsapi#nsd Options: Nsd_ZoneFile Zone File path. E.g. "/etc/nsd/zones/example.com.zone" Nsd_Command Command. E.g. "sudo nsd-control reload" Issues: github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/issues/2245 ' # args: fulldomain txtvalue dns_nsd_add() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 ttlvalue=300 Nsd_ZoneFile="${Nsd_ZoneFile:-$(_readdomainconf Nsd_ZoneFile)}" Nsd_Command="${Nsd_Command:-$(_readdomainconf Nsd_Command)}" # Arg checks if [ -z "$Nsd_ZoneFile" ] || [ -z "$Nsd_Command" ]; then Nsd_ZoneFile="" Nsd_Command="" _err "Specify ENV vars Nsd_ZoneFile and Nsd_Command" return 1 fi if [ ! -f "$Nsd_ZoneFile" ]; then Nsd_ZoneFile="" Nsd_Command="" _err "No such file: $Nsd_ZoneFile" return 1 fi _savedomainconf Nsd_ZoneFile "$Nsd_ZoneFile" _savedomainconf Nsd_Command "$Nsd_Command" echo "$fulldomain. $ttlvalue IN TXT \"$txtvalue\"" >>"$Nsd_ZoneFile" _info "Added TXT record for $fulldomain" _debug "Running $Nsd_Command" if eval "$Nsd_Command"; then _info "Successfully updated the zone" return 0 else _err "Problem updating the zone" return 1 fi } # args: fulldomain txtvalue dns_nsd_rm() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 ttlvalue=300 Nsd_ZoneFile="${Nsd_ZoneFile:-$(_readdomainconf Nsd_ZoneFile)}" Nsd_Command="${Nsd_Command:-$(_readdomainconf Nsd_Command)}" _sed_i "/$fulldomain. $ttlvalue IN TXT \"$txtvalue\"/d" "$Nsd_ZoneFile" _info "Removed TXT record for $fulldomain" _debug "Running $Nsd_Command" if eval "$Nsd_Command"; then _info "Successfully reloaded NSD " return 0 else _err "Problem reloading NSD" return 1 fi }