#!/usr/bin/env sh # Here is a script to deploy cert to Ruckus ZoneDirector / Unleashed. # # Public domain, 2024, Tony Rielly # # ```sh # acme.sh --deploy -d ruckus.example.com --deploy-hook ruckus # ``` # # Then you need to set the environment variables for the # deploy script to work. # # ```sh # export RUCKUS_HOST=myruckus.example.com # export RUCKUS_USER=myruckususername # export RUCKUS_PASS=myruckuspassword # # acme.sh --deploy -d myruckus.example.com --deploy-hook ruckus # ``` # # returns 0 means success, otherwise error. ######## Public functions ##################### #domain keyfile certfile cafile fullchain ruckus_deploy() { _cdomain="$1" _ckey="$2" _ccert="$3" _cca="$4" _cfullchain="$5" _err_code=0 _debug _cdomain "$_cdomain" _debug _ckey "$_ckey" _debug _ccert "$_ccert" _debug _cca "$_cca" _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain" _getdeployconf RUCKUS_HOST _getdeployconf RUCKUS_USER _getdeployconf RUCKUS_PASS if [ -z "$RUCKUS_HOST" ]; then _debug "Using _cdomain as RUCKUS_HOST, please set if not correct." RUCKUS_HOST="$_cdomain" fi if [ -z "$RUCKUS_USER" ]; then _err "Need to set the env variable RUCKUS_USER" return 1 fi if [ -z "$RUCKUS_PASS" ]; then _err "Need to set the env variable RUCKUS_PASS" return 1 fi _savedeployconf RUCKUS_HOST "$RUCKUS_HOST" _savedeployconf RUCKUS_USER "$RUCKUS_USER" _savedeployconf RUCKUS_PASS "$RUCKUS_PASS" _debug RUCKUS_HOST "$RUCKUS_HOST" _debug RUCKUS_USER "$RUCKUS_USER" _secure_debug RUCKUS_PASS "$RUCKUS_PASS" export ACME_HTTP_NO_REDIRECTS=1 _info "Discovering the login URL" _get "https://$RUCKUS_HOST" >/dev/null _login_url="$(_response_header 'Location')" if [ -n "$_login_url" ]; then _login_path=$(echo "$_login_url" | sed 's|https\?://[^/]\+||') if [ -z "$_login_path" ]; then # redirect was to a different host _err "Connection failed: redirected to a different host. Configure Unleashed with a Preferred Master or Management Interface." return 1 fi fi if [ -z "${_login_url}" ]; then _err "Connection failed: couldn't find login page." return 1 fi _base_url=$(dirname "$_login_url") _login_page=$(basename "$_login_url") if [ "$_login_page" = "index.html" ]; then _err "Connection temporarily unavailable: Unleashed Rebuilding." return 1 fi if [ "$_login_page" = "wizard.jsp" ]; then _err "Connection failed: Setup Wizard not complete." return 1 fi _info "Login" _username_encoded="$(printf "%s" "$RUCKUS_USER" | _url_encode)" _password_encoded="$(printf "%s" "$RUCKUS_PASS" | _url_encode)" _login_query="$(printf "%s" "username=${_username_encoded}&password=${_password_encoded}&ok=Log+In")" _post "$_login_query" "$_login_url" >/dev/null _login_code="$(_response_code)" if [ "$_login_code" = "200" ]; then _err "Login failed: incorrect credentials." return 1 fi _info "Collect Session Cookie" _H1="Cookie: $(_response_cookie)" export _H1 _info "Collect CSRF Token" _H2="X-CSRF-Token: $(_response_header 'HTTP_X_CSRF_TOKEN')" export _H2 _info "Uploading certificate" _post_upload "uploadcert" "$_cfullchain" _info "Uploading private key" _post_upload "uploadprivatekey" "$_ckey" _info "Replacing certificate" _replace_cert_ajax='' _post "$_replace_cert_ajax" "$_base_url/_cmdstat.jsp" >/dev/null _info "Rebooting" _cert_reboot_ajax='' _post "$_cert_reboot_ajax" "$_base_url/_cmdstat.jsp" >/dev/null return 0 } _response_code() { _egrep_o <"$HTTP_HEADER" "^HTTP[^ ]* .*$" | cut -d " " -f 2-100 | tr -d "\f\n" | _egrep_o "^[0-9]*" } _response_header() { grep <"$HTTP_HEADER" -i "^$1:" | cut -d ':' -f 2- | tr -d "\r\n\t " } _response_cookie() { _response_header 'Set-Cookie' | sed 's/;.*//' } _post_upload() { _post_action="$1" _post_file="$2" _post_boundary="----FormBoundary$(date "+%s%N")" _post_data="$({ printf -- "--%s\r\n" "$_post_boundary" printf -- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"u\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n" "$_post_action" printf -- "Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n" printf -- "%s\r\n" "$(cat "$_post_file")" printf -- "--%s\r\n" "$_post_boundary" printf -- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"action\"\r\n\r\n" printf -- "%s\r\n" "$_post_action" printf -- "--%s\r\n" "$_post_boundary" printf -- "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"callback\"\r\n\r\n" printf -- "%s\r\n" "uploader_$_post_action" printf -- "--%s--\r\n\r\n" "$_post_boundary" })" _post "$_post_data" "$_base_url/_upload.jsp?request_type=xhr" "" "" "multipart/form-data; boundary=$_post_boundary" >/dev/null }