Ubiquiti removed keytool (and java) from recent releases of Unifi OS. This moves from keytool to openssl's native pkcs12.
Tested on Unifi Dream Machine which runs Unifi OS and a built-in Unifi controller.
Also added backup of existing files prior to change in case anything goes wrong, and update system configuration with compatible ciphers.
Instead of using comments declare info in a special variable.
Then the variable can be used to print the DNS API provider usage.
The usage can be parsed on UI and show all needed inputs for options.
The info is stored in plain string that it's both human-readable and easy to parse:
dns_example_info='API name
An extended description.
Domains: list of alternative domains to find
Site: the dns provider website e.g. example.com
Docs: Link to ACME.sh wiki for the provider
VARIABLE1 Title for the option1.
VARIABLE2 Title for the option2. Default "default value".
VARIABLE3 Title for the option3. Description to show on UI. Optional.
Issues: Link to a support ticket on https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh
Author: First Lastname <authoremail@example.com>, Another Author <https://github.com/example>;
VARIABLE1 will be required.
VARIABLE2 will be required too but will be populated with a "default value".
VARIABLE3 is optional and can be empty.
A DNS provider may have alternative options like CloudFlare may use API KEY or API Token.
You can use a second section OptionsAlt: section.
Some providers may have alternative names or domains e.g. Aliyun and AlibabaCloud.
Add them to Domains: section.
Signed-off-by: Sergey Ponomarev <stokito@gmail.com>
Added an explicit no error (0) return on the internal _retrieve_miab_env() function. This was causing errors when acme.sh was not run with a debug level.
Updated to use suggested export _H1 env var to supply Authorization Basic credentials. This undocumented support for Basic Authorization, ContentType, etc. needs to be documented in DNSAPI Dev Guide. Removed two stray debugging lines.
Created _get_root() that tests the requested host is a subdomain to the domains hosted on MailinaBox (MIAB) DNS Server. Created common _miab_rest() used with dns_miab_add(), dns_miab_rm() and _get_root(). Also created barbaric _is_json() to test the response given by the MIAB Custom DNS API at least looks like a JSON file. We should add a hint to use _normalizeJson with JSON responses so _startswith, _endswith won't perplexingly fail.
Ok, should have noticed earlier that the calls to the private function _miab_post() never used the _needbase64_ or the __postContentType parameters. Parameters and code to handle them has been factored out.
Know I'm new to contorting to this project. I i've broke conventions please let me know what I've screwed up and I'll set it right as quickly as possible.
Propose this as a new DNS-01 validation script to dynamically add challenge DNS records to MailinaBox (MIAB) DNS. MIAB uses a custom DNS API to manage external DNS records.
The script was originally written by Darven Dissek and can be found in his repository: https://framagit.org/DarvenDissek/acme.sh-MIAB-DNS-API/). This has been forked and some slight cleanup applied and change shebang to UNIx shell. The forked repository can be found here: https://github.com/billgertz/MIAB_dns_api.
Wrote to Darven but received no reply. Support for this script has been submitted to the OPNsense project via this pull request: https://github.com/opnsense/plugins/pull/1531