1 changed files with 379 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
# Akamai Edge DNS v2 API |
# User must provide Open Edgegrid API credentials to the EdgeDNS installation. The remote user in EdgeDNS must have CRUD access to |
# Edge DNS Zones and Recordsets, e.g. DNS—Zone Record Management authorization |
# Report bugs to https://control.akamai.com/apps/support-ui/#/contact-support |
# Values to export: |
# --EITHER-- |
# specify Edgegrid credentials file and section |
# AKAMAI_EDGERC=<full file path> |
## --OR-- |
# specify indiviual credentials |
# export AKAMAI_HOST = <host> |
# export AKAMAI_ACCESS_TOKEN = <access token> |
# export AKAMAI_CLIENT_TOKEN = <client token> |
# export AKAMAI_CLIENT_SECRET = <client secret> |
######## Public functions ##################### |
# Usage: dns_edgedns_add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" |
# Used to add txt record |
# |
dns_edgedns_add() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
_debug2 "fulldomain" "$fulldomain" |
_debug2 "txtvalue" "$txtvalue" |
if ! _EDGEDNS_credentials; then |
_err "$@" |
return 1 |
fi |
if ! _EDGEDNS_getZoneInfo "$fulldomain"; then |
_err "Invalid domain" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug2 "Add: zone" "${zone}" |
acmeRecordURI=$(printf "%s/%s/names/%s/type/TXT" "${edge_endpoint}" "${zone}" "${fulldomain}") |
_debug3 "Add URL" "$acmeRecordURI" |
# Get existing TXT record |
_edge_result=$(_edgedns_rest GET "$acmeRecordURI") |
_api_status="$?" |
if [ "$_api_status" -ne 0 ] && [ "$_edge_result" != "404" ]; then |
_err "$(printf "Failure accessing Akamai Edge DNS API Server. Error: %s" "$_edge_result")" |
return 1 |
fi |
rdata="\"$txtvalue\"" |
record_op="POST" |
if [ "$_api_status" -eq 0 ]; then |
# record already exists. Get existing record data and update |
record_op="PUT" |
rdlist=$(echo -n "$response" | _egrep_o "\"rdata\"\\s*:\\s*\\[\\s*\"[^\"]*\"\\s*]" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d "[]\"") |
_debug2 "existing TXT found" |
_debug2 "record data" "$rdlist" |
# value already there? |
if _contains "$rdlist" "$txtvalue" ; then |
return 0 |
fi |
comma="," |
rdata="$rdata$comma\"${txtvalue}\"" |
fi |
_debug2 "new/updated rdata: " "${rdata}" |
# Add the txtvalue TXT Record |
body="{\"name\":\"$fulldomain\",\"type\":\"TXT\",\"ttl\":600, \"rdata\":"[${rdata}]"}" |
_debug3 "Add body '${body}'" |
_edge_result=$(_edgedns_rest "$record_op" "$acmeRecordURI" "$body") |
_api_status="$?" |
if [ "$_api_status" -eq 0 ]; then |
_log "$(printf "Text value %s added to recordset %s" "${txtvalue}" "${fulldomain}")" |
return 0 |
else |
_err "$(printf "error adding TXT record for validation. Error: %s" "$_edge_result")" |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
# Usage: dns_edgedns_rm _acme-challenge.www.domain.com |
# Used to delete txt record |
# |
dns_edgedns_rm() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
} |
#################### Private functions below ################################## |
_EDGEDNS_credentials() { |
_debug "GettingEdge DNS credentials" |
_log $(printf "ACME DNSAPI Edge DNS version %s" ${ACME_EDGEDNS_VERSION}) |
args_missing=0 |
if [ -z "${AKAMAI_ACCESS_TOKEN}" ]; then |
_err "AKAMAI_ACCESS_TOKEN is missing" |
args_missing=1 |
fi |
if [ -z "$AKAMAI_CLIENT_TOKEN" ]; then |
_err "AKAMAI_CLIENT_TOKEN is missing" |
args_missing=1 |
fi |
if [ -z "${AKAMAI_HOST}" ]; then |
_err "AKAMAI_HOST is missing" |
args_missing=1 |
fi |
if [ -z "${AKAMAI_CLIENT_SECRET}" ]; then |
_err "AKAMAI_CLIENT_SECRET is missing" |
args_missing=1 |
fi |
if [ "${args_missing}" = 1 ]; then |
_err "You have not properly specified the EdgeDNS Open Edgegrid API credentials. Please try again." |
return 1 |
else |
_saveaccountconf_mutable AKAMAI_ACCESS_TOKEN "${AKAMAI_ACCESS_TOKEN}" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable AKAMAI_CLIENT_TOKEN "${AKAMAI_CLIENT_TOKEN}" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable AKAMAI_HOST "${AKAMAI_HOST}" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable AKAMAI_CLIENT_SECRET "${AKAMAI_CLIENT_SECRET}" |
# Set whether curl should use secure or insecure mode |
fi |
export HTTPS_INSECURE=0 # All Edgegrid API calls are secure |
edge_endpoint=$(printf "https://%s/config-dns/v2/zones" "${AKAMAI_HOST}") |
_debug3 "Edge API Endpoint:" "${edge_endpoint}" |
} |
_EDGEDNS_getZoneInfo() { |
_debug "Getting Zoneinfo" |
zoneEnd=false |
curZone=$1 |
while [ -n "${zoneEnd}" ]; do |
# we can strip the first part of the fulldomain, since its just the _acme-challenge string |
curZone="${curZone#*.}" |
# suffix . needed for zone -> domain.tld. |
# create zone get url |
get_zone_url=$(printf "%s/%s" "${edge_endpoint}" "${curZone}") |
_debug3 "Zone Get: " "${get_zone_url}" |
curResult=$(_edgedns_rest GET "$get_zone_url") |
retVal=$? |
if [ $retVal -ne 0 ]; then |
if ["$curResult" != "404" ]; then |
_err "$(printf "Managed zone validation failed. Error response: %s" "$retVal")" |
return 1 |
fi |
fi |
if _contains "${curResult}" "\"zone\":" ; then |
_debug2 "Zone data" "${curResult}" |
zone=$(echo -n "${curResult}" | _egrep_o "\"zone\"\\s*:\\s*\"[^\"]*\"" | _head_n 1 | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d "\"") |
_debug2 "Zone" "${zone}" |
zoneFound="" |
zoneEnd="" |
return 0 |
fi |
if [ "${curZone#*.}" != "$curZone" ]; then |
_debug2 $(printf "%s still contains a '.' - so we can check next higher level" "$curZone") |
else |
zoneEnd=true |
_err "Couldn't retrieve zone data." |
return 1 |
fi |
done |
_err "Failed to retrieve zone data." |
return 2 |
} |
_edgedns_headers="" |
_edgedns_rest() { |
_debug "Handling API Request" |
m=$1 |
# Assume endpoint is complete path, including query args if applicable |
ep=$2 |
body_data=$3 |
_edgedns_content_type="" |
_request_url_path="$ep" |
_request_body="$body_data" |
_request_method="$m" |
_edgedns_headers="" |
tab="" |
_edgedns_headers="${_edgedns_headers}${tab}Host: ${AKAMAI_HOST}" |
tab="\t" |
# Set in acme.sh _post/_get |
#_edgedns_headers="${_edgedns_headers}${tab}User-Agent:ACME DNSAPI Edge DNS version ${ACME_EDGEDNS_VERSION}" |
_edgedns_headers="${_edgedns_headers}${tab}Accept: application/json" |
if [ "$m" != "GET" ] && [ "$m" != "DELETE" ] ; then |
_edgedns_content_type="application/json;charset=UTF-8" |
_utf8_body_data="$(echo -n "$ _request_body" | iconv -t utf-8)" |
_utf8_body_len="$(echo -n "$_utf8_body_data" | awk '{print length}')" |
_edgedns_headers="${_edgedns_headers}${tab}Content-Length: ${_utf8_body_len}" |
fi |
_made_auth_header=$(_edgedns_make_auth_header) |
_edgedns_headers="${_edgedns_headers}${tab}Authorization: ${_made_auth_header}" |
_secure_debug2 "Made Auth Header" "${_made_auth_header}" |
hdr_indx=1 |
work_header="${_edgedns_headers}${tab}" |
_debug3 "work_header" "${work_header}" |
while [ "${work_header}" ]; do |
entry="${work_header%%\\t*}"; work_header="${work_header#*\\t}" |
export "$(printf "_H%s=%s" "${hdr_indx}" "${entry}")" |
_debug2 "Request Header " "${entry}" |
hdr_indx=$(( hdr_indx + 1 )) |
done |
# clear headers from previous request to avoid getting wrong http code on timeouts |
_debug "$ep" |
if [ "$m" != "GET" ]; then |
_debug "Method data" "$data" |
# body url [needbase64] [POST|PUT|DELETE] [ContentType] |
response="$(_post "$_utf8_body_data" "$ep" false "$m")" |
else |
response="$(_get "$ep")" |
fi |
_ret="$?" |
_debug "response" "$response" |
_code="$(grep "^HTTP" "$HTTP_HEADER" | _tail_n 1 | cut -d " " -f 2 | tr -d "\\r\\n")" |
_debug2 "http response code" "$_code" |
if [ "$_code" = "200" ] || [ "$_code" = "201" ]; then |
# All good |
response="$(echo "$response" | _normalizeJson)" |
echo -n "${response}" |
return 0 |
fi |
if [ "$_code" = "204" ]; then |
# Success, no body |
echo -n "" |
return 0 |
fi |
if [ "$_code" = "400" ]; then |
_err "Bad request presented" |
_log "$(printf "Headers: %s" "$_edgedns_headers")" |
_log "$(printf "Method: %s" "$_request_method")" |
_log "$(printf "URL: %s" "$ep")" |
_log "$(printf "Data: %s" "$data")" |
fi |
if [ "$_code" = "403" ]; then |
_err "access denied make sure your Edgegrid cedentials are correct." |
fi |
echo "$_code" |
return 1 |
} |
_edgedns_eg_timestamp() { |
_eg_timestamp=$(date -u "+%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S+0000") |
} |
_edgedns_new_nonce() { |
_nonce=$(uuidgen -r) |
} |
_edgedns_make_auth_header() { |
_debug "Constructing Auth Header" |
_edgedns_eg_timestamp |
_edgedns_new_nonce |
# "Unsigned authorization header: 'EG1-HMAC-SHA256 client_token=block;access_token=block;timestamp=20200806T14:16:33+0000;nonce=72cde72c-82d9-4721-9854-2ba057929d67;'" |
_auth_header="$(printf "EG1-HMAC-SHA256 client_token=%s;access_token=%s;timestamp=%s;nonce=%s;" "${AKAMAI_CLIENT_TOKEN}" "${AKAMAI_ACCESS_TOKEN}" "${_eg_timestamp}" "${_nonce}")" |
_secure_debug2 "Unsigned Auth Header: " "$_auth_header" |
_sig="$(_edgedns_sign_request)" |
_signed_auth_header="$(printf "%ssignature=%s" "${_auth_header}" "${_sig}")" |
_secure_debug2 "Signed Auth Header: " "${_signed_auth_header}" |
echo -n "${_signed_auth_header}" |
} |
_edgedns_sign_request() { |
_debug2 "Signing http request" |
_signed_data=$(_edgedns_make_data_to_sign "${_auth_header}") |
_secure_debug2 "Returned signed data" "$_signed_data" |
_key=$(_edgedns_make_signing_key "${_eg_timestamp}") |
_signed_req=$(_edgedns_base64_hmac_sha256 "$_signed_data" "$_key") |
_secure_debug2 "Signed Request" "${_signed_req}" |
echo -n "${_signed_req}" |
} |
_edgedns_make_signing_key() { |
_debug2 "Creating sigining key" |
ts=$1 |
_signing_key=$(_edgedns_base64_hmac_sha256 "$ts" "${AKAMAI_CLIENT_SECRET}") |
_secure_debug2 "Signing Key" "${_signing_key}" |
echo -n "${_signing_key}" |
} |
_edgedns_make_data_to_sign() { |
_debug2 "Processing data to sign" |
hdr=$1 |
_secure_debug2 "hdr" "$hdr" |
content_hash=$(_edgedns_make_content_hash) |
path="$(echo -n "${_request_url_path}" |sed 's/https\?:\/\///')" |
path="${path#*$AKAMAI_HOST}" |
_debug "hier path" "${path}" |
# dont expose headers to sign so use MT string |
data="$(printf "%s\thttps\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" "${_request_method}" "${AKAMAI_HOST}" "${path}" "" "${content_hash}" "$hdr")" |
_secure_debug2 "Data to Sign" "${data}" |
echo -n "${data}" |
} |
_edgedns_make_content_hash() { |
_debug2 "Generating content hash" |
prep_body="" |
_hash="" |
_debug2 "Request method" "${_request_method}" |
if [ "${_request_method}" != "POST" ] || [ -z "${_request_body}" ]; then |
echo -n "${prep_body}" |
return 0 |
fi |
prep_body="$(echo -n "${_request_body}")" |
_debug2 "Req body" "${prep_body}" |
_hash=$(_edgedns_base64_sha256 "${prep_body}") |
_debug2 "Content hash" "${_hash}" |
echo -n "${_hash}" |
} |
_edgedns_base64_hmac_sha256() { |
_debug2 "Generating hmac" |
data=$1 |
key=$2 |
encoded_data="$(echo -n "${data}" | iconv -t utf-8)" |
encoded_key="$(echo -n "${key}" | iconv -t utf-8)" |
_secure_debug2 "encoded data" "${encoded_data}" |
_secure_debug2 "encoded key" "${encoded_key}" |
#key_hex="$(_durl_replace_base64 "$key" | _dbase64 | _hex_dump | tr -d ' ')" |
#data_sig="$(printf "%s" "$encoded_data" | _hmac sha256 "${key_hex}" | _base64 | _url_replace)" |
data_sig="$(echo -n "$encoded_data" | ${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} dgst -sha256 -hmac $encoded_key -binary | _base64)" |
_secure_debug2 "data_sig:" "${data_sig}" |
out="$(echo -n "${data_sig}" | iconv -f utf-8)" |
_secure_debug2 "hmac" "${out}" |
echo -n "${out}" |
} |
_edgedns_base64_sha256() { |
_debug2 "Creating sha256 digest" |
trg=$1 |
utf8_str="$(echo -n "${trg}" | iconv -t utf-8)" |
_secure_debug2 "digest data" "$trg" |
_secure_debug2 "encoded digest data" "${utf8_str}" |
digest="$(echo -n "${trg}" | ${ACME_OPENSSL_BIN:-openssl} dgst -sha256 -binary | _base64)" |
out="$(echo -n "${digest}" | iconv -f utf-8)" |
_secure_debug2 "digest decode" "${out}" |
echo -n "${out}" |
} |
#_edgedns_parse_edgerc() { |
# filepath=$1 |
# section=$2 |
#} |
Reference in new issue