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New DNS API for WEDOS provider
New DNS API for WEDOS provider
New DNS API implementation for script use WEDOS's WAPI XML interface to manage domain TXT entries. Both add and remove methods works. The code were tested successfully and spellchecked too. It seems there is no issue at all. The script skeleton from cloudfare were used.pull/3165/head
committed by
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 371 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
# This script has been created at June 2020, based on knowledge base of provider. |
# It is intended to allow DNS-01 challenges for using wedos's WAPI using XML. |
# Author Michal Tuma <> |
# For issues send me an email |
######## Public functions ##################### |
#Usage: add "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" |
dns_wedos_add() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
WEDOS_Username="${WEDOS_Username:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Username)}" |
WEDOS_Wapipass="${WEDOS_Wapipass:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Wapipass)}" |
WEDOS_Authtoken="${WEDOS_Authtoken:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Authtoken)}" |
if [ "${WEDOS_Authtoken}" ]; then |
_debug "WEDOS Authtoken was already saved, using saved one" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Authtoken "${WEDOS_Authtoken}" |
else |
if [ -z "${WEDOS_Username}" ] || [ -z "${WEDOS_Wapipass}" ]; then |
WEDOS_Username="" |
WEDOS_Wapipass="" |
_err "You didn't specify a WEDOS's username and wapi key yet." |
_err "Please type: export WEDOS_Username=<your user name to login to wedos web account>" |
_err "And: export WEDOS_Wapipass=<your WAPI passwords you setup using wedos web pages>" |
_err "After you export those variables, run the script again, the values will be saved for future" |
return 1 |
fi |
#build WEDOS_Authtoken |
_debug "WEDOS Authtoken were not saved yet, building" |
WEDOS_Authtoken=$(printf '%s' "${WEDOS_Wapipass}" | sha1sum | head -c 40) |
_debug "WEDOS_Authtoken step 1, WAPI PASS sha1 sum: '${WEDOS_Authtoken}'" |
WEDOS_Authtoken="${WEDOS_Username}${WEDOS_Authtoken}" |
_debug "WEDOS_Authtoken step 2, username concat with token without hours: '${WEDOS_Authtoken}'" |
#save details |
_saveaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Username "${WEDOS_Username}" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Wapipass "${WEDOS_Wapipass}" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Authtoken "${WEDOS_Authtoken}" |
fi |
if ! _get_root "${fulldomain}"; then |
_err "WEDOS Account do not contain primary domain to fullfill add of ${fulldomain}!" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug _sub_domain "${_sub_domain}" |
_debug _domain "${_domain}" |
if _wapi_row_add "${_domain}" "${_sub_domain}" "${txtvalue}" "300"; then |
_info "WEDOS WAPI: dns record added and dns changes were commited" |
return 0 |
else |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
#fulldomain txtvalue |
dns_wedos_rm() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
WEDOS_Username="${WEDOS_Username:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Username)}" |
WEDOS_Wapipass="${WEDOS_Wapipass:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Wapipass)}" |
WEDOS_Authtoken="${WEDOS_Authtoken:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Authtoken)}" |
if [ "${WEDOS_Authtoken}" ]; then |
_debug "WEDOS Authtoken was already saved, using saved one" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Authtoken "${WEDOS_Authtoken}" |
else |
if [ -z "${WEDOS_Username}" ] || [ -z "${WEDOS_Wapipass}" ]; then |
WEDOS_Username="" |
WEDOS_Wapipass="" |
_err "You didn't specify a WEDOS's username and wapi key yet." |
_err "Please type: export WEDOS_Username=<your user name to login to wedos web account>" |
_err "And: export WEDOS_Wapipass=<your WAPI passwords you setup using wedos web pages>" |
_err "After you export those variables, run the script again, the values will be saved for future" |
return 1 |
fi |
#build WEDOS_Authtoken |
_debug "WEDOS Authtoken were not saved yet, building" |
WEDOS_Authtoken=$(printf '%s' "${WEDOS_Wapipass}" | sha1sum | head -c 40) |
_debug "WEDOS_Authtoken step 1, WAPI PASS sha1 sum: '${WEDOS_Authtoken}'" |
WEDOS_Authtoken="${WEDOS_Username}${WEDOS_Authtoken}" |
_debug "WEDOS_Authtoken step 2, username concat with token without hours: '${WEDOS_Authtoken}'" |
#save details |
_saveaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Username "${WEDOS_Username}" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Wapipass "${WEDOS_Wapipass}" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable WEDOS_Authtoken "${WEDOS_Authtoken}" |
fi |
if ! _get_root "${fulldomain}"; then |
_err "WEDOS Account do not contain primary domain to fullfill add of ${fulldomain}!" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug _sub_domain "${_sub_domain}" |
_debug _domain "${_domain}" |
if _wapi_find_row "${_domain}" "${_sub_domain}" "${txtvalue}"; then |
_info "WEDOS WAPI: dns record found with id '${_row_id}'" |
if _wapi_delete_row "${_domain}" "${_row_id}"; then |
_info "WEDOS WAPI: dns row were deleted and changes commited!" |
return 0 |
fi |
fi |
_err "Requested dns row were not found or was imposible to delete it, do it manually" |
_err "Delete: ${fulldomain}" |
_err "Value: ${txtvalue}" |
return 1 |
} |
#################### Private functions below ################################## |
# Function _wapi_post(), only takes data, prepares auth token and provide result |
# $1 - WAPI command string, like 'dns-domains-list' |
# $2 - WAPI data for given command, is not required |
# returns WAPI response if request were successfully delivered to WAPI endpoint |
_wapi_post() { |
command=$1 |
data=$2 |
_debug "Command : ${command}" |
_debug "Data : ${data}" |
if [ -z "${command}" ]; then |
_err "No command were provided, implamantation error!" |
return 1 |
fi |
# Prepare authentification token |
hour=$(date +%H) |
token=$(printf '%s' "${WEDOS_Authtoken}${hour}" | sha1sum | head -c 40) |
_debug "Authentification token is '${token}'" |
# Build xml request |
request="request=<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\ |
<request>\ |
<user>${WEDOS_Username}</user>\ |
<auth>${token}</auth>\ |
<command>${command}</command>" |
if [ -z "${data}" ]; then |
echo "" 1>/dev/null |
else |
request="${request}${data}" |
fi |
if [ -z "$TESTING_STAGE" ]; then |
echo "" 1>/dev/null |
else |
request="${request}\ |
<test>1</test>" |
fi |
request="${request}\ |
</request>" |
_debug "Request to WAPI is: ${request}" |
if ! response="$(_post "${request}" "$WEDOS_WAPI_ENDPOINT")"; then |
_err "Error contacting WEDOS WAPI with command ${command}" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug "Response : ${response}" |
echo "${response}" | grep "<code>1000</code>" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null |
return "$?" |
} |
# _get_root() function, for provided full domain, like verify if WEDOS contains a primary active domain and found what is subdomain |
# $1 - full domain to verify, ie |
# build ${_domain} found at WEDOS, like and ${_sub_domain} from provided full domain, like _acme_challenge.www |
_get_root() { |
domain=$1 |
if [ -z "${domain}" ]; then |
_err "Function _get_root was called without argument, implementation error!" |
return 1; |
fi |
_debug "Get root for domain: ${domain}" |
_debug "Getting list of domains using WAPI ..." |
if ! _wapi_post "dns-domains-list"; then |
_err "Error on WAPI request for list of domains, response : ${response}" |
return 1 |
else |
_debug "DNS list were successfully retrieved, response : ${response}" |
fi |
for xml_domain in $(echo "${response}" | tr -d '\012\015' | grep -o -E "<domain>( )*<name>.*</name>( )*<type>primary</type>( )*<status>active</status>" | grep -o -E "<name>.*</name>") |
do |
_debug "Active and primary XML DOMAIN found: ${xml_domain}" |
end_of_name=$((${#xml_domain} - 7)) |
xml_domain_name=$(echo "${xml_domain}" | cut -c 7-${end_of_name}) |
_debug "Found primary active domain: ${xml_domain_name}" |
regex=".*\\."$(echo "${xml_domain_name}" | sed 's/\./\\./g') |
_debug "Regex for matching domain: '${regex}'" |
if ! echo "${domain}" | grep -E "${regex}" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then |
_debug "found domain do not match required" |
else |
end_of_name=$((${#domain} - ${#xml_domain_name} - 1)) |
_domain=${xml_domain_name} |
_sub_domain=$(echo "${domain}" | cut -c -${end_of_name}) |
_info "Domain '${_domain}' was found at WEDOS account as primary, and subdomain is '${_sub_domain}'!" |
return 0 |
fi |
done |
return 1 |
} |
# for provided domain, it commites all performed changes |
_wapi_dns_commit() { |
domain=$1 |
if [ -z "${domain}" ]; then |
_err "Invalid request to commit dns changes, domain is empty, implementation error!" |
return 1; |
fi |
data=" <data>\ |
<name>${domain}</name>\ |
</data>" |
if ! _wapi_post "dns-domain-commit" "${data}"; then |
_err "Error on WAPI request to commit DNS changes, response : ${response}" |
return 1 |
else |
_debug "DNS CHANGES COMMITED, response : ${response}" |
_info "WEDOS DNS WAPI: Changes were commited to domain '${domain}'" |
fi |
return 0 |
} |
# add one TXT dns row to a specified fomain |
_wapi_row_add() { |
domain=$1 |
sub_domain=$2 |
value=$3 |
ttl=$4 |
if [ -z "${domain}" ] || [ -z "${sub_domain}" ] || [ -z "${value}" ] || [ -z "${ttl}" ]; then |
_err "Invalid request to add record, domain: '${domain}', sub_domain: '${sub_domain}', value: '${value}' and ttl: '${ttl}', on of required input were not provided, implementation error!" |
return 1; |
fi |
# Prepare data for request to WAPI |
data=" <data>\ |
<domain>${domain}</domain>\ |
<name>${sub_domain}</name>\ |
<ttl>${ttl}</ttl>\ |
<type>TXT</type>\ |
<rdata>${value}</rdata>\ |
<auth_comment>Created using WAPI from</auth_comment>\ |
</data>" |
_debug "Adding row using WAPI ..." |
if ! _wapi_post "dns-row-add" "${data}"; then |
_err "Error on WAPI request to add new TXT row, response : ${response}" |
return 1 |
else |
_debug "ROW ADDED, response : ${response}" |
_info "WEDOS DNS WAPI: Row to domain '${domain}' with name '${sub_domain}' were successfully added with value '${value}' and ttl set to ${ttl}" |
fi |
# Now we have to commit |
_wapi_dns_commit "${domain}" |
return "$?" |
} |
_wapi_find_row() { |
domain=$1 |
sub_domain=$2 |
value=$3 |
if [ -z "${domain}" ] || [ -z "${sub_domain}" ] || [ -z "${value}" ]; then |
_err "Invalud request to finad a row, domain: '${domain}', sub_domain: '${sub_domain}' and value: '${value}', one of required input were not provided, implementation error!" |
return 1 |
fi |
data=" <data>\ |
<domain>${domain}</domain>\ |
</data>" |
_debug "Searching rows using WAPI ..." |
if ! _wapi_post "dns-rows-list" "${data}"; then |
_err "Error on WAPI request to list domain rows, response : ${response}" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug "Domain rows found, response : ${response}" |
sub_domain_regex=$(echo "${sub_domain}" | sed "s/\./\\\\./g") |
_debug "Subdomain regex '${sub_domain_regex}'" |
for xml_row in $(echo "${response}" | tr -d '\012\015' | grep -o -E "<row>( )*<ID>[0-9]*</ID>( )*<name>${sub_domain_regex}</name>( )*<ttl>[0-9]*</ttl>( )*<rdtype>TXT</rdtype>( )*<rdata>${value}</rdata>" | grep -o -e "<ID>[0-9]*</ID>") |
do |
_debug "Found row in DNS with ID : ${xml_row}" |
_row_id=$(echo "${xml_row}" | grep -o -E "[0-9]*") |
_info "WEDOS API: Found DNS row id ${_row_id} for domain ${domain}" |
return 0 |
done |
_info "WEDOS API: No TXT row found for domain '${domain}' with name '${sub_domain}' and value '${value}'" |
return 1 |
} |
_wapi_delete_row() { |
domain=$1 |
row_id=$2 |
if [ -z "${domain}" ] || [ -z "${row_id}" ]; then |
_err "Invalid request to delete domain dns row, domain: '${domain}' and row_id: '${row_id}', one of required input were not provided, implementation error!" |
return 1 |
fi |
data=" <data>\ |
<domain>${domain}</domain> |
<row_id>${row_id}</row_id> |
</data>" |
_debug "Deleting dns row using WAPI ..." |
if ! _wapi_post "dns-row-delete" "${data}"; then |
_err "Error on WAPI request to delete dns row, response: ${response}" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug "DNS row were deleted, response: ${response}" |
_info "WEDOS API: Required dns domain row with row_id '${row_id}' were correctly deleted at domain '${domain}'" |
# Now we have to commit changes |
_wapi_dns_commit "${domain}" |
return "$?" |
} |
Reference in new issue