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Merge pull request #571 from dkerr64/FreeDNS
Merge pull request #571 from dkerr64/FreeDNS
Add FreeDNS plugin support to acme.shpull/580/head
committed by
3 changed files with 403 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#This file name is "" |
#So, here must be a method dns_freedns_add() |
#Which will be called by to add the txt record to your api system. |
#returns 0 means success, otherwise error. |
# |
#Author: David Kerr |
#Report Bugs here: |
# |
######## Public functions ##################### |
# Export FreeDNS userid and password in folowing variables... |
# FREEDNS_User=username |
# FREEDNS_Password=password |
# login cookie is saved in acme account config file so userid / pw |
# need to be set only when changed. |
#Usage: dns_freedns_add "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" |
dns_freedns_add() { |
fulldomain="$1" |
txtvalue="$2" |
_info "Add TXT record using FreeDNS" |
_debug "fulldomain: $fulldomain" |
_debug "txtvalue: $txtvalue" |
if [ -z "$FREEDNS_User" ] || [ -z "$FREEDNS_Password" ]; then |
FREEDNS_User="" |
FREEDNS_Password="" |
if [ -z "$FREEDNS_COOKIE" ]; then |
_err "You did not specify the FreeDNS username and password yet." |
_err "Please export as FREEDNS_User / FREEDNS_Password and try again." |
return 1 |
fi |
using_cached_cookies="true" |
else |
FREEDNS_COOKIE="$(_freedns_login "$FREEDNS_User" "$FREEDNS_Password")" |
if [ -z "$FREEDNS_COOKIE" ]; then |
return 1 |
fi |
using_cached_cookies="false" |
fi |
_debug "FreeDNS login cookies: $FREEDNS_COOKIE (cached = $using_cached_cookies)" |
# split our full domain name into two parts... |
i="$(echo "$fulldomain" | tr '.' ' ' | wc -w)" |
i="$(_math "$i" - 1)" |
top_domain="$(echo "$fulldomain" | cut -d. -f "$i"-100)" |
i="$(_math "$i" - 1)" |
sub_domain="$(echo "$fulldomain" | cut -d. -f -"$i")" |
# Sometimes FreeDNS does not reurn the subdomain page but rather |
# returns a page regarding becoming a premium member. This usually |
# happens after a period of inactivity. Immediately trying again |
# returns the correct subdomain page. So, we will try twice to |
# load the page and obtain our domain ID |
attempts=2 |
while [ "$attempts" -gt "0" ]; do |
attempts="$(_math "$attempts" - 1)" |
htmlpage="$(_freedns_retrieve_subdomain_page "$FREEDNS_COOKIE")" |
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then |
if [ "$using_cached_cookies" = "true" ]; then |
_err "Has your FreeDNS username and password channged? If so..." |
_err "Please export as FREEDNS_User / FREEDNS_Password and try again." |
fi |
return 1 |
fi |
# Now convert the tables in the HTML to CSV. This litte gem from |
# |
subdomain_csv="$(echo "$htmlpage" \ |
| grep -i -e '</\?TABLE\|</\?TD\|</\?TR\|</\?TH' \ |
| sed 's/^[\ \t]*//g' \ |
| tr -d '\n' \ |
| sed 's/<\/TR[^>]*>/\n/Ig' \ |
| sed 's/<\/\?\(TABLE\|TR\)[^>]*>//Ig' \ |
| sed 's/^<T[DH][^>]*>\|<\/\?T[DH][^>]*>$//Ig' \ |
| sed 's/<\/T[DH][^>]*><T[DH][^>]*>/,/Ig' \ |
| grep 'edit.php?' \ |
| grep "$top_domain")" |
# The above beauty ends with striping out rows that do not have an |
# href to edit.php and do not have the top domain we are looking for. |
# So all we should be left with is CSV of table of subdomains we are |
# interested in. |
# Now we have to read through this table and extract the data we need |
lines="$(echo "$subdomain_csv" | wc -l)" |
nl=' |
' |
i=0 |
found=0 |
while [ "$i" -lt "$lines" ]; do |
i="$(_math "$i" + 1)" |
line="$(echo "$subdomain_csv" | cut -d "$nl" -f "$i")" |
tmp="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 1)" |
if [ $found = 0 ] && _startswith "$tmp" "<td>$top_domain"; then |
# this line will contain DNSdomainid for the top_domain |
DNSdomainid="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 2 | sed 's/^.*domain_id=//;s/>.*//')" |
found=1 |
else |
# lines contain DNS records for all subdomains |
DNSname="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 2 | sed 's/^[^>]*>//;s/<\/a>.*//')" |
DNStype="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 3)" |
if [ "$DNSname" = "$fulldomain" ] && [ "$DNStype" = "TXT" ]; then |
DNSdataid="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 2 | sed 's/^.*data_id=//;s/>.*//')" |
# Now get current value for the TXT record. This method may |
# not produce accurate results as the value field is truncated |
# on this webpage. To get full value we would need to load |
# another page. However we don't really need this so long as |
# there is only one TXT record for the acme chalenge subdomain. |
DNSvalue="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 4 | sed 's/^[^"]*"//;s/".*//;s/<\/td>.*//')" |
if [ $found != 0 ]; then |
break |
# we are breaking out of the loop at the first match of DNS name |
# and DNS type (if we are past finding the domainid). This assumes |
# that there is only ever one TXT record for the LetsEncrypt/acme |
# challenge subdomain. This seems to be a reasonable assumption |
# as the acme client deletes the TXT record on successful validation. |
fi |
else |
DNSname="" |
DNStype="" |
fi |
fi |
done |
_debug "DNSname: $DNSname DNStype: $DNStype DNSdomainid: $DNSdomainid DNSdataid: $DNSdataid" |
_debug "DNSvalue: $DNSvalue" |
if [ -z "$DNSdomainid" ]; then |
# If domain ID is empty then something went wrong (top level |
# domain not found at FreeDNS). |
if [ "$attempts" = "0" ]; then |
# exhausted maximum retry attempts |
_debug "$htmlpage" |
_debug "$subdomain_csv" |
_err "Domain $top_domain not found at FreeDNS" |
return 1 |
fi |
else |
# break out of the 'retry' loop... we have found our domain ID |
break |
fi |
_info "Domain $top_domain not found at FreeDNS" |
_info "Retry loading subdomain page ($attempts attempts remaining)" |
done |
if [ -z "$DNSdataid" ]; then |
# If data ID is empty then specific subdomain does not exist yet, need |
# to create it this should always be the case as the acme client |
# deletes the entry after domain is validated. |
_freedns_add_txt_record "$FREEDNS_COOKIE" "$DNSdomainid" "$sub_domain" "$txtvalue" |
return $? |
else |
if [ "$txtvalue" = "$DNSvalue" ]; then |
# if value in TXT record matches value requested then DNS record |
# does not need to be updated. But... |
# Testing value match fails. Website is truncating the value field. |
# So for now we will always go down the else path. Though in theory |
# should never come here anyway as the acme client deletes |
# the TXT record on successful validation, so we should not even |
# have found a TXT record !! |
_info "No update necessary for $fulldomain at FreeDNS" |
return 0 |
else |
# Delete the old TXT record (with the wrong value) |
_freedns_delete_txt_record "$FREEDNS_COOKIE" "$DNSdataid" |
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then |
# And add in new TXT record with the value provided |
_freedns_add_txt_record "$FREEDNS_COOKIE" "$DNSdomainid" "$sub_domain" "$txtvalue" |
fi |
return $? |
fi |
fi |
return 0 |
} |
#Usage: fulldomain txtvalue |
#Remove the txt record after validation. |
dns_freedns_rm() { |
fulldomain="$1" |
txtvalue="$2" |
_info "Delete TXT record using FreeDNS" |
_debug "fulldomain: $fulldomain" |
_debug "txtvalue: $txtvalue" |
# Need to read cookie from conf file again in case new value set |
# during login to FreeDNS when TXT record was created. |
# does not have a _readaccountconf() fuction |
_debug "FreeDNS login cookies: $FREEDNS_COOKIE" |
# Sometimes FreeDNS does not reurn the subdomain page but rather |
# returns a page regarding becoming a premium member. This usually |
# happens after a period of inactivity. Immediately trying again |
# returns the correct subdomain page. So, we will try twice to |
# load the page and obtain our TXT record. |
attempts=2 |
while [ "$attempts" -gt "0" ]; do |
attempts="$(_math "$attempts" - 1)" |
htmlpage="$(_freedns_retrieve_subdomain_page "$FREEDNS_COOKIE")" |
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then |
return 1 |
fi |
# Now convert the tables in the HTML to CSV. This litte gem from |
# |
subdomain_csv="$(echo "$htmlpage" \ |
| grep -i -e '</\?TABLE\|</\?TD\|</\?TR\|</\?TH' \ |
| sed 's/^[\ \t]*//g' \ |
| tr -d '\n' \ |
| sed 's/<\/TR[^>]*>/\n/Ig' \ |
| sed 's/<\/\?\(TABLE\|TR\)[^>]*>//Ig' \ |
| sed 's/^<T[DH][^>]*>\|<\/\?T[DH][^>]*>$//Ig' \ |
| sed 's/<\/T[DH][^>]*><T[DH][^>]*>/,/Ig' \ |
| grep 'edit.php?' \ |
| grep "$fulldomain")" |
# The above beauty ends with striping out rows that do not have an |
# href to edit.php and do not have the domain name we are looking for. |
# So all we should be left with is CSV of table of subdomains we are |
# interested in. |
# Now we have to read through this table and extract the data we need |
lines="$(echo "$subdomain_csv" | wc -l)" |
nl=' |
' |
i=0 |
found=0 |
while [ "$i" -lt "$lines" ]; do |
i="$(_math "$i" + 1)" |
line="$(echo "$subdomain_csv" | cut -d "$nl" -f "$i")" |
DNSname="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 2 | sed 's/^[^>]*>//;s/<\/a>.*//')" |
DNStype="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 3)" |
if [ "$DNSname" = "$fulldomain" ] && [ "$DNStype" = "TXT" ]; then |
DNSdataid="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 2 | sed 's/^.*data_id=//;s/>.*//')" |
DNSvalue="$(echo "$line" | cut -d ',' -f 4 | sed 's/^[^"]*"//;s/".*//;s/<\/td>.*//')" |
_debug "DNSvalue: $DNSvalue" |
# if [ "$DNSvalue" = "$txtvalue" ]; then |
# Testing value match fails. Website is truncating the value |
# field. So for now we will assume that there is only one TXT |
# field for the sub domain and just delete it. Currently this |
# is a safe assumption. |
_freedns_delete_txt_record "$FREEDNS_COOKIE" "$DNSdataid" |
return $? |
# fi |
fi |
done |
done |
# If we get this far we did not find a match (after two attempts) |
# Not necessarily an error, but log anyway. |
_debug2 "$subdomain_csv" |
_info "Cannot delete TXT record for $fulldomain/$txtvalue. Does not exist at FreeDNS" |
return 0 |
} |
#################### Private functions below ################################## |
# usage: _freedns_login username password |
# print string "cookie=value" etc. |
# returns 0 success |
_freedns_login() { |
export _H1="Accept-Language:en-US" |
username="$1" |
password="$2" |
url="" |
_debug "Login to FreeDNS as user $username" |
htmlpage="$(_post "username=$(printf '%s' "$username" | _url_encode)&password=$(printf '%s' "$password" | _url_encode)&submit=Login&action=auth" "$url")" |
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then |
_err "FreeDNS login failed for user $username bad RC from _post" |
return 1 |
fi |
cookies="$(grep -i '^Set-Cookie.*dns_cookie.*$' "$HTTP_HEADER" | _head_n 1 | tr -d "\r\n" | cut -d " " -f 2)" |
# if cookies is not empty then logon successful |
if [ -z "$cookies" ]; then |
_debug "$htmlpage" |
_err "FreeDNS login failed for user $username. Check $HTTP_HEADER file" |
return 1 |
fi |
printf "%s" "$cookies" |
return 0 |
} |
# usage _freedns_retrieve_subdomain_page login_cookies |
# echo page retrieved (html) |
# returns 0 success |
_freedns_retrieve_subdomain_page() { |
export _H1="Cookie:$1" |
export _H2="Accept-Language:en-US" |
url="" |
_debug "Retrieve subdmoain page from FreeDNS" |
htmlpage="$(_get "$url")" |
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then |
_err "FreeDNS retrieve subdomins failed bad RC from _get" |
return 1 |
elif [ -z "$htmlpage" ]; then |
_err "FreeDNS returned empty subdomain page" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug2 "$htmlpage" |
printf "%s" "$htmlpage" |
return 0 |
} |
# usage _freedns_add_txt_record login_cookies domain_id subdomain value |
# returns 0 success |
_freedns_add_txt_record() { |
export _H1="Cookie:$1" |
export _H2="Accept-Language:en-US" |
domain_id="$2" |
subdomain="$3" |
value="$(printf '%s' "$4" | _url_encode)" |
url="" |
htmlpage="$(_post "type=TXT&domain_id=$domain_id&subdomain=$subdomain&address=%22$value%22&send=Save%21" "$url")" |
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then |
_err "FreeDNS failed to add TXT record for $subdomain bad RC from _post" |
return 1 |
elif ! grep "200 OK" "$HTTP_HEADER" >/dev/null; then |
_debug "$htmlpage" |
_err "FreeDNS failed to add TXT record for $subdomain. Check $HTTP_HEADER file" |
return 1 |
elif _contains "$htmlpage" "security code was incorrect"; then |
_debug "$htmlpage" |
_err "FreeDNS failed to add TXT record for $subdomain as FreeDNS requested seurity code" |
_err "Note that you cannot use automatic DNS validation for FreeDNS public domains" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug2 "$htmlpage" |
_info "Added acme challenge TXT record for $fulldomain at FreeDNS" |
return 0 |
} |
# usage _freedns_delete_txt_record login_cookies data_id |
# returns 0 success |
_freedns_delete_txt_record() { |
export _H1="Cookie:$1" |
export _H2="Accept-Language:en-US" |
data_id="$2" |
url="" |
htmlheader="$(_get "$url?data_id%5B%5D=$data_id&submit=delete+selected" "onlyheader")" |
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then |
_err "FreeDNS failed to delete TXT record for $data_id bad RC from _get" |
return 1 |
elif ! _contains "$htmlheader" "200 OK"; then |
_debug "$htmlheader" |
_err "FreeDNS failed to delete TXT record $data_id" |
return 1 |
fi |
_info "Deleted acme challenge TXT record for $fulldomain at FreeDNS" |
return 0 |
} |
Reference in new issue