committed by
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 75 additions and 1782 deletions
@ -1,393 +1,6 @@ |
# Using deploy api |
Before you can deploy your cert, you must [issue the cert first]( |
deploy hook usage: |
Here are the scripts to deploy the certs/key to the server/services. |
||| |
## 1. Deploy the certs to your cpanel host |
If you want to deploy using cpanel UAPI see 7. |
(cpanel deploy hook is not finished yet, this is just an example.) |
Then you can deploy now: |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_CPANEL_USER=myusername |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook cpanel |
``` |
## 2. Deploy ssl cert on kong proxy engine based on api |
Before you can deploy your cert, you must [issue the cert first]( |
Currently supports Kong-v0.10.x. |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook kong |
``` |
## 3. Deploy the cert to remote server through SSH access |
The ssh deploy plugin allows you to deploy certificates to a remote host |
using SSH command to connect to the remote server. The ssh plugin is invoked |
with the following command... |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook ssh |
``` |
Prior to running this for the first time you must tell the plugin where |
and how to deploy the certificates. This is done by exporting the following |
environment variables. This is not required for subsequent runs as the |
values are stored by in the domain configuration files. |
Required... |
``` |
export DEPLOY_SSH_USER=username |
``` |
Optional... |
``` |
export DEPLOY_SSH_CMD=custom ssh command |
export DEPLOY_SSH_SERVER=url or ip address of remote host |
export DEPLOY_SSH_KEYFILE=filename for private key |
export DEPLOY_SSH_CERTFILE=filename for certificate file |
export DEPLOY_SSH_CAFILE=filename for intermediate CA file |
export DEPLOY_SSH_FULLCHAIN=filename for fullchain file |
export DEPLOY_SSH_REMOTE_CMD=command to execute on remote host |
export DEPLOY_SSH_BACKUP=yes or no |
``` |
Username at the remote host that SSH will login with. Note that |
SSH must be able to login to remote host without a password... SSH Keys |
must have been exchanged with the remote host. Validate and test that you |
can login to USER@URL from the host running before using this script. |
The USER@URL at the remote server must also have has permissions to write to |
the target location of the certificate files and to execute any commands |
(e.g. to stop/start services). |
You can customize the ssh command used to connect to the remote host. For example |
if you need to connect to a specific port at the remote server you can set this |
to, for example, "ssh -p 22" or to use `sshpass` to provide password inline |
instead of exchanging ssh keys (this is not recommended, using keys is |
more secure). |
URL or IP Address of the remote server. If not provided then the domain |
name provided on the --deploy command line is used. |
Target filename for the private key issued by LetsEncrypt. |
Target filename for the certificate issued by LetsEncrypt. |
If this is the same as the previous filename (for keyfile) then it is |
appended to the same file. |
Target filename for the CA intermediate certificate issued by LetsEncrypt. |
If this is the same as a previous filename (for keyfile or certfile) then |
it is appended to the same file. |
Target filename for the fullchain certificate issued by LetsEncrypt. |
If this is the same as a previous filename (for keyfile, certfile or |
cafile) then it is appended to the same file. |
Command to execute on the remote server after copying any certificates. This |
could be any additional command required for example to stop and restart |
the service. |
Before writing a certificate file to the remote server the existing |
certificate will be copied to a backup directory on the remote server. |
These are placed in a hidden directory in the home directory of the SSH |
user |
```sh |
~/.acme_ssh_deploy/[domain name]-backup-[timestamp] |
``` |
Any backups older than 180 days will be deleted when new certificates |
are deployed. This defaults to "yes" set to "no" to disable backup. |
###Examples using SSH deploy |
The following example illustrates deploying certificates to a QNAP NAS |
(tested with QTS version 4.2.3) |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_SSH_USER="admin" |
export DEPLOY_SSH_KEYFILE="/etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem" |
export DEPLOY_SSH_CERTFILE="/etc/stunnel/stunnel.pem" |
export DEPLOY_SSH_CAFILE="/etc/stunnel/uca.pem" |
export DEPLOY_SSH_REMOTE_CMD="/etc/init.d/ restart" |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook ssh |
``` |
Note how in this example both the private key and certificate point to |
the same file. This will result in the certificate being appended |
to the same file as the private key... a common requirement of several |
services. |
The next example illustrates deploying certificates to a Unifi |
Controller (tested with version 5.4.11). |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_SSH_USER="root" |
export DEPLOY_SSH_KEYFILE="/var/lib/unifi/" |
export DEPLOY_SSH_FULLCHAIN="/var/lib/unifi/" |
export DEPLOY_SSH_REMOTE_CMD="openssl pkcs12 -export \ |
-inkey /var/lib/unifi/ \ |
-in /var/lib/unifi/ \ |
-out /var/lib/unifi/ \ |
-name ubnt -password pass:temppass \ |
&& keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass aircontrolenterprise \ |
-destkeypass aircontrolenterprise \ |
-destkeystore /var/lib/unifi/keystore \ |
-srckeystore /var/lib/unifi/ \ |
-srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass temppass -alias ubnt -noprompt \ |
&& service unifi restart" |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook ssh |
``` |
In this example we execute several commands on the remote host |
after the certificate files have been copied... to generate a pkcs12 file |
compatible with Unifi, to import it into the Unifi keystore and then finally |
to restart the service. |
Note also that once the certificate is imported |
into the keystore the individual certificate files are no longer |
required. We could if we desired delete those files immediately. If we |
do that then we should disable backup at the remote host (as there are |
no files to backup -- they were erased during deployment). For example... |
```sh |
# modify the end of the remote command... |
&& rm /var/lib/unifi/ \ |
/var/lib/unifi/ \ |
/var/lib/unifi/ \ |
&& service unifi restart |
``` |
## 4. Deploy the cert to local vsftpd server |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook vsftpd |
``` |
The default vsftpd conf file is `/etc/vsftpd.conf`, if your vsftpd conf is not in the default location, you can specify one: |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_VSFTPD_CONF="/etc/vsftpd.conf" |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook vsftpd |
``` |
The default command to restart vsftpd server is `service vsftpd restart`, if it doesn't work, you can specify one: |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_VSFTPD_RELOAD="/etc/init.d/vsftpd restart" |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook vsftpd |
``` |
## 5. Deploy the cert to local exim4 server |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook exim4 |
``` |
The default exim4 conf file is `/etc/exim/exim.conf`, if your exim4 conf is not in the default location, you can specify one: |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_EXIM4_CONF="/etc/exim4/exim4.conf.template" |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook exim4 |
``` |
The default command to restart exim4 server is `service exim4 restart`, if it doesn't work, you can specify one: |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_EXIM4_RELOAD="/etc/init.d/exim4 restart" |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook exim4 |
``` |
## 6. Deploy the cert to OSX Keychain |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook keychain |
``` |
## 7. Deploy to cpanel host using UAPI |
This hook is using UAPI and works in cPanel & WHM version 56 or newer. |
``` |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook cpanel_uapi |
``` |
DEPLOY_CPANEL_USER is required only if you run the script as root and it should contain cpanel username. |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_CPANEL_USER=username |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook cpanel_uapi |
``` |
Please note, that the cpanel_uapi hook will deploy only the first domain when your certificate will automatically renew. Therefore you should issue a separate certificate for each domain. |
## 8. Deploy the cert to your FRITZ!Box router |
You must specify the credentials that have administrative privileges on the FRITZ!Box in order to deploy the certificate, plus the URL of your FRITZ!Box, through the following environment variables: |
```sh |
$ export DEPLOY_FRITZBOX_USERNAME=my_username |
$ export DEPLOY_FRITZBOX_PASSWORD=the_password |
``` |
After the first deployment, these values will be stored in your $HOME/ You may now deploy the certificate like this: |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook fritzbox |
``` |
## 9. Deploy the cert to strongswan |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook strongswan |
``` |
## 10. Deploy the cert to HAProxy |
You must specify the path where you want the concatenated key and certificate chain written. |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_HAPROXY_PEM_PATH=/etc/haproxy |
``` |
You may optionally define the command to reload HAProxy. The value shown below will be used as the default if you don't set this environment variable. |
```sh |
export DEPLOY_HAPROXY_RELOAD="/usr/sbin/service haproxy restart" |
``` |
You can then deploy the certificate as follows |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook haproxy |
``` |
The path for the PEM file will be stored with the domain configuration and will be available when renewing, so that deploy will happen automatically when renewed. |
## 11. Deploy your cert to Gitlab pages |
You must define the API key and the informations for the project and Gitlab page you are updating the certificate for. |
```sh |
# The token can be created in your user settings under "Access Tokens" |
export GITLAB_TOKEN="xxxxxxxxxxx" |
# The project ID is displayed on the home page of the project |
export GITLAB_PROJECT_ID=12345678 |
# The domain must match the one defined for the Gitlab page, without "https://" |
export GITLAB_DOMAIN="" |
``` |
You can then deploy the certificate as follows |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook gitlab |
``` |
## 12. Deploy your cert to Hashicorp Vault |
```sh |
export VAULT_PREFIX="acme" |
``` |
You can then deploy the certificate as follows |
```sh |
||| --deploy -d --deploy-hook vault_cli |
``` |
Your certs will be saved in Vault using this structure: |
```sh |
vault write "${VAULT_PREFIX}/${domain}/cert.pem" value=@"..." |
vault write "${VAULT_PREFIX}/${domain}/cert.key" value=@"..." |
vault write "${VAULT_PREFIX}/${domain}/chain.pem" value=@"..." |
vault write "${VAULT_PREFIX}/${domain}/fullchain.pem" value=@"..." |
``` |
You might be using Fabio load balancer (which can get certs from |
Vault). It needs a bit different structure of your certs in Vault. It |
gets certs only from keys that were saved in `prefix/domain`, like this: |
```bash |
vault write <PREFIX>/ cert=@cert.pem key=@key.pem |
``` |
If you want to save certs in Vault this way just set "FABIO" env |
variable to anything (ex: "1") before running ``: |
```sh |
export FABIO="1" |
``` |
## 13. Deploy your certificate to |
使用 部署到七牛之前,需要确保部署的域名已打开 HTTPS 功能,您可以访问[融合 CDN - 域名管理]( 设置。 |
另外还需要先导出 AK/SK 环境变量,您可以访问[密钥管理]( 获得。 |
```sh |
$ export QINIU_AK="foo" |
$ export QINIU_SK="bar" |
``` |
完成准备工作之后,您就可以通过下面的命令开始部署 SSL 证书到七牛上: |
```sh |
$ --deploy -d --deploy-hook qiniu |
``` |
假如您部署的证书为泛域名证书,您还需要设置 `QINIU_CDN_DOMAIN` 变量,指定实际需要部署的域名(请注意泛域名前的点): |
```sh |
$ export QINIU_CDN_DOMAIN="" |
$ --deploy -d --deploy-hook qiniu |
``` |
### English version |
You should create AccessKey/SecretKey pair in |
before deploying your certificate, and please ensure you have enabled HTTPS for |
your domain name. You can enable it in |
```sh |
$ export QINIU_AK="foo" |
$ export QINIU_SK="bar" |
``` |
then you can deploy certificate by following command: |
```sh |
$ --deploy -d --deploy-hook qiniu |
``` |
(Optional), If you are using wildcard certificate, |
you may need export `QINIU_CDN_DOMAIN` to specify which domain |
you want to update (please note the leading dot): |
```sh |
$ export QINIU_CDN_DOMAIN="" |
$ --deploy -d --deploy-hook qiniu |
``` |
## 14. Deploy your cert on |
Once you have installed and certificate issued (see info in [DNS API](../dnsapi/, you can install it by following command: |
```sh |
||| --deploy --deploy-hook mydevil -d |
``` |
That will remove old certificate and install new one. |
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#Here is a script to deploy cert to mailcow. |
#returns 0 means success, otherwise error. |
######## Public functions ##################### |
#domain keyfile certfile cafile fullchain |
mailcow_deploy() { |
_cdomain="$1" |
_ckey="$2" |
_ccert="$3" |
_cca="$4" |
_cfullchain="$5" |
_debug _cdomain "$_cdomain" |
_debug _ckey "$_ckey" |
_debug _ccert "$_ccert" |
_debug _cca "$_cca" |
_debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain" |
_mailcow_path="${DEPLOY_MAILCOW_PATH}" |
if [ -z "$_mailcow_path" ]; then |
_err "Mailcow path is not found, please define DEPLOY_MAILCOW_PATH." |
return 1 |
fi |
_ssl_path="${_mailcow_path}/data/assets/ssl/" |
if [ ! -d "$_ssl_path" ]; then |
_err "Cannot find mailcow ssl path: $_ssl_path" |
return 1 |
fi |
_info "Copying key and cert" |
_real_key="$_ssl_path/key.pem" |
if ! cat "$_ckey" >"$_real_key"; then |
_err "Error: write key file to: $_real_key" |
return 1 |
fi |
_real_fullchain="$_ssl_path/cert.pem" |
if ! cat "$_cfullchain" >"$_real_fullchain"; then |
_err "Error: write cert file to: $_real_fullchain" |
return 1 |
fi |
DEFAULT_MAILCOW_RELOAD="cd ${_mailcow_path} && docker-compose restart postfix-mailcow dovecot-mailcow nginx-mailcow" |
_info "Run reload: $_reload" |
if eval "$_reload"; then |
_info "Reload success!" |
fi |
return 0 |
} |
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