#!/usr/bin/env sh
#Support mailgun.com api
#MAILGUN_API_KEY="xxxx" #MAILGUN_TO="yyyy@gmail.com"
#MAILGUN_REGION="us|eu" #optional, use "us" as default #MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN="xxxxxx.com" #optional, use the default sandbox domain #MAILGUN_FROM="xxx@xxxxx.com" #optional, use the default sendbox account
_MAILGUN_BASE_US="https://api.mailgun.net/v3" _MAILGUN_BASE_EU="https://api.eu.mailgun.net/v3"
# subject content statusCode mailgun_send() { _subject="$1" _content="$2" _statusCode="$3" #0: success, 1: error 2($RENEW_SKIP): skipped _debug "_statusCode" "$_statusCode"
MAILGUN_API_KEY="${MAILGUN_API_KEY:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_API_KEY)}" if [ -z "$MAILGUN_API_KEY" ]; then MAILGUN_API_KEY="" _err "You didn't specify a mailgun api key MAILGUN_API_KEY yet ." _err "You can get yours from here https://mailgun.com" return 1 fi _saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_API_KEY "$MAILGUN_API_KEY"
MAILGUN_REGION="${MAILGUN_REGION:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_REGION)}" if [ -z "$MAILGUN_REGION" ]; then MAILGUN_REGION="" _debug "The MAILGUN_REGION is not set, so use the default us region." _MAILGUN_BASE="$_MAILGUN_BASE_US" else MAILGUN_REGION="$(echo "$MAILGUN_REGION" | _lower_case)" _saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_REGION "$MAILGUN_REGION" if [ "$MAILGUN_REGION" = "us" ]; then _MAILGUN_BASE="$_MAILGUN_BASE_US" else _MAILGUN_BASE="$_MAILGUN_BASE_EU" fi fi _debug _MAILGUN_BASE "$_MAILGUN_BASE" MAILGUN_TO="${MAILGUN_TO:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_TO)}" if [ -z "$MAILGUN_TO" ]; then MAILGUN_TO="" _err "You didn't specify an email to MAILGUN_TO receive messages." return 1 fi _saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_TO "$MAILGUN_TO"
MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN="${MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN)}" if [ -z "$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" ]; then _info "The MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN is not set, try to get the default sending sandbox domain for you." if ! _mailgun_rest GET "/domains"; then _err "Can not get sandbox domain." return 1 fi _sendboxDomain="$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o '"name": *"sandbox.*.mailgun.org"' | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d '" ')" _debug _sendboxDomain "$_sendboxDomain" MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN="$_sendboxDomain" if [ -z "$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" ]; then _err "Can not get sandbox domain for MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" return 1 fi
_info "$(__green "When using sandbox domain, you must verify your email first.")" #todo: add recepient fi if [ -z "$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" ]; then _err "Can not get MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" return 1 fi _saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN "$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN"
MAILGUN_FROM="${MAILGUN_FROM:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_FROM)}" if [ -z "$MAILGUN_FROM" ]; then MAILGUN_FROM="$PROJECT_NAME@$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" _info "The MAILGUN_FROM is not set, so use the default value: $MAILGUN_FROM" else _debug MAILGUN_FROM "$MAILGUN_FROM" _saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_FROM "$MAILGUN_FROM" fi
#send from url _msg="/$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN/messages?from=$(printf "%s" "$MAILGUN_FROM" | _url_encode)&to=$(printf "%s" "$MAILGUN_TO" | _url_encode)&subject=$(printf "%s" "$_subject" | _url_encode)&text=$(printf "%s" "$_content" | _url_encode)" _debug "_msg" "$_msg" _mailgun_rest POST "$_msg" if _contains "$response" "Queued. Thank you."; then _debug "mailgun send success." return 0 else _err "mailgun send error" _err "$response" return 1 fi
# method uri data _mailgun_rest() { _method="$1" _mguri="$2" _mgdata="$3" _debug _mguri "$_mguri" _mgurl="$_MAILGUN_BASE$_mguri" _debug _mgurl "$_mgurl"
_auth="$(printf "%s" "api:$MAILGUN_API_KEY" | _base64)" export _H1="Authorization: Basic $_auth" export _H2="Content-Type: application/json"
if [ "$_method" = "GET" ]; then response="$(_get "$_mgurl")" else _debug _mgdata "$_mgdata" response="$(_post "$_mgdata" "$_mgurl" "" "$_method")" fi if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then _err "Error: $_mguri" _err "$response" return 1 fi _debug2 response "$response" return 0