121 lines
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5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
  1. #!/usr/bin/env sh
  2. #Author StefanAbl
  3. #Usage specify a private keyfile to use with dynv6 'export KEY="path/to/keyfile"'
  4. #if no keyfile is specified, you will be asked if you want to create one in /home/$USER/.ssh/dynv6 and /home/$USER/.ssh/dynv6.pub
  5. ######## Public functions #####################
  6. # Please Read this guide first: https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/wiki/DNS-API-Dev-Guide
  7. #Usage: dns_myapi_add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs"
  8. dns_dynv6_add() {
  9. fulldomain=$1
  10. txtvalue=$2
  11. _info "Using dynv6 api"
  12. _debug fulldomain "$fulldomain"
  13. _debug txtvalue "$txtvalue"
  14. _get_keyfile
  15. _info "using keyfile $dynv6_keyfile"
  16. _get_domain "$fulldomain"
  17. _your_hosts="$(ssh -i "$dynv6_keyfile" api@dynv6.com hosts)"
  18. if ! _contains "$_your_hosts" "$_host"; then
  19. _debug "The host is $_host and the record $_record"
  20. _debug "Dynv6 returned $_your_hosts"
  21. _err "The host $_host does not exist on your dynv6 account"
  22. return 1
  23. fi
  24. _debug "found host on your account"
  25. returnval="$(ssh -i "$dynv6_keyfile" api@dynv6.com hosts \""$_host"\" records set \""$_record"\" txt data \""$txtvalue"\")"
  26. _debug "Dynv6 returend this after record was added: $returnval"
  27. if _contains "$returnval" "created"; then
  28. return 0
  29. elif _contains "$returnval" "updated"; then
  30. return 0
  31. else
  32. _err "Something went wrong! it does not seem like the record was added succesfully"
  33. return 1
  34. fi
  35. return 1
  36. }
  37. #Usage: fulldomain txtvalue
  38. #Remove the txt record after validation.
  39. dns_dynv6_rm() {
  40. fulldomain=$1
  41. txtvalue=$2
  42. _info "Using dynv6 api"
  43. _debug fulldomain "$fulldomain"
  44. _debug txtvalue "$txtvalue"
  45. _get_keyfile
  46. _info "using keyfile $dynv6_keyfile"
  47. _get_domain "$fulldomain"
  48. _your_hosts="$(ssh -i "$dynv6_keyfile" api@dynv6.com hosts)"
  49. if ! _contains "$_your_hosts" "$_host"; then
  50. _debug "The host is $_host and the record $_record"
  51. _debug "Dynv6 returned $_your_hosts"
  52. _err "The host $_host does not exist on your dynv6 account"
  53. return 1
  54. fi
  55. _debug "found host on your account"
  56. _info "$(ssh -i "$dynv6_keyfile" api@dynv6.com hosts "\"$_host\"" records del "\"$_record\"" txt)"
  57. return 0
  58. }
  59. #################### Private functions below ##################################
  60. #Usage: No Input required
  61. #returns
  62. #dynv6_keyfile the path to the new keyfile that has been generated
  63. _generate_new_key() {
  64. dynv6_keyfile="$(eval echo ~"$USER")/.ssh/dynv6"
  65. _info "Path to key file used: $dynv6_keyfile"
  66. if [ ! -f "$dynv6_keyfile" ] && [ ! -f "$dynv6_keyfile.pub" ]; then
  67. _debug "generating key in $dynv6_keyfile and $dynv6_keyfile.pub"
  68. ssh-keygen -f "$dynv6_keyfile" -t ssh-ed25519 -N ''
  69. else
  70. _err "There is already a file in $dynv6_keyfile or $dynv6_keyfile.pub"
  71. return 1
  72. fi
  73. }
  74. #Usage: _acme-challenge.www.example.dynv6.net
  75. #returns
  76. #_host= example.dynv6.net
  77. #_record=_acme-challenge.www
  78. #aborts if not a valid domain
  79. _get_domain() {
  80. _full_domain="$1"
  81. _debug "getting domain for $_full_domain"
  82. if ! _contains "$_full_domain" 'dynv6.net' && ! _contains "$_full_domain" 'dns.army' && ! _contains "$_full_domain" 'dns.navy' && ! _contains "$_full_domain" 'v6.rocks'; then
  83. _err "The hosts does not seem to be a dynv6 host"
  84. return 1
  85. fi
  86. _record="${_full_domain%.*}"
  87. _record="${_record%.*}"
  88. _record="${_record%.*}"
  89. _debug "The record we are ging to use is $_record"
  90. _host="$_full_domain"
  91. while [ "$(echo "$_host" | grep -o '\.' | wc -l)" != "2" ]; do
  92. _host="${_host#*.}"
  93. done
  94. _debug "And the host is $_host"
  95. return 0
  96. }
  97. # Usage: No input required
  98. #returns
  99. #dynv6_keyfile path to the key that will be used
  100. _get_keyfile() {
  101. _debug "get keyfile method called"
  102. dynv6_keyfile="${dynv6_keyfile:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable dynv6_keyfile)}"
  103. _debug Your key is "$dynv6_keyfile"
  104. if [ -z "$dynv6_keyfile" ]; then
  105. if [ -z "$KEY" ]; then
  106. _err "You did not specify a key to use with dynv6"
  107. _info "Creating new dynv6 api key to add to dynv6.com"
  108. _generate_new_key
  109. _info "Please add this key to dynv6.com $(cat "$dynv6_keyfile.pub")"
  110. _info "Hit Enter to contiue"
  111. read -r _
  112. #save the credentials to the account conf file.
  113. else
  114. dynv6_keyfile="$KEY"
  115. fi
  116. _saveaccountconf_mutable dynv6_keyfile "$dynv6_keyfile"
  117. fi
  118. }