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#!/usr/bin/env sh
# TrueNAS deploy script for SCALE/CORE using websocket # It is recommend to use a wildcard certificate # # Websocket Documentation: # # Tested with TrueNAS Scale - Electric Eel 24.10 # Changes certificate in the following services: # - Web UI # - FTP # - iX Apps # # The following environment variables must be set: # ------------------------------------------------ # # # API KEY # # Use the folowing URL to create a new API token: <TRUENAS_HOSTNAME OR IP>/ui/apikeys # export DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY="<API_KEY_GENERATED_IN_THE_WEB_UI" #
### Private functions
# Call websocket method # Usage: # _ws_response=$(_ws_call "math.dummycalc" "'{"x": 4, "y": 5}'") # _info "$_ws_response" # # Output: # {"z": 9} # # Arguments: # $@ - midclt arguments for call # # Returns: # JSON/JOBID _ws_call() { _debug "_ws_call arg1" "$1" _debug "_ws_call arg2" "$2" _debug "_ws_call arg3" "$3" if [ $# -eq 3 ]; then _ws_response=$(midclt -K "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY" call "$1" "$2" "$3") fi if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then _ws_response=$(midclt -K "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY" call "$1" "$2") fi if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then _ws_response=$(midclt -K "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY" call "$1") fi _debug "_ws_response" "$_ws_response" printf "%s" "$_ws_response" return 0 }
# Check argument is a number # Usage: # # Output: # n/a # # Arguments: # $1 - Anything # # Returns: # 0: true # 1: false _ws_check_jobid() { case "$1" in [0-9]*) return 0 ;; esac return 1 }
# Wait for job to finish and return result as JSON # Usage: # _ws_result=$(_ws_get_job_result "$_ws_jobid") # _new_certid=$(printf "%s" "$_ws_result" | jq -r '."id"') # # Output: # JSON result of the job # # Arguments: # $1 - JobID # # Returns: # n/a _ws_get_job_result() { while true; do sleep 2 _ws_response=$(_ws_call "core.get_jobs" "[[\"id\", \"=\", $1]]") if [ "$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq -r '.[]."state"')" != "RUNNING" ]; then _ws_result="$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq '.[]."result"')" _debug "_ws_result" "$_ws_result" printf "%s" "$_ws_result" _ws_error="$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq '.[]."error"')" if [ "$_ws_error" != "null" ]; then _err "Job $1 failed:" _err "$_ws_error" return 7 fi break fi done return 0 }
######################## ### Public functions ### ########################
# truenas_ws_deploy # # Deploy new certificate to TrueNAS services # # Arguments # 1: Domain # 2: Key-File # 3: Certificate-File # 4: CA-File # 5: FullChain-File # Returns: # 0: Success # 1: Missing API Key # 2: TrueNAS not ready # 3: Not a JobID # 4: FTP cert error # 5: WebUI cert error # 6: Job error # 7: WS call error # 10: No CORE or SCALE detected # truenas_ws_deploy() { _domain="$1" _file_key="$2" _file_cert="$3" _file_ca="$4" _file_fullchain="$5" _debug _domain "$_domain" _debug _file_key "$_file_key" _debug _file_cert "$_file_cert" _debug _file_ca "$_file_ca" _debug _file_fullchain "$_file_fullchain"
########## Environment check
_info "Checking environment variables..." _getdeployconf DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY # Check API Key if [ -z "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY" ]; then _err "TrueNAS API key not found, please set the DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY environment variable." return 1 fi _secure_debug2 DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY" _info "Environment variables: OK"
########## Health check
_info "Checking TrueNAS health..." _ws_response=$(_ws_call "system.ready" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') _ws_ret=$? if [ $_ws_ret -gt 0 ]; then _err "Error calling system.ready:" _err "$_ws_response" return $_ws_ret fi
if [ "$_ws_response" != "TRUE" ]; then _err "TrueNAS is not ready." _err "Please check environment variables DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY, DEPLOY_TRUENAS_HOSTNAME and DEPLOY_TRUENAS_PROTOCOL." _err "Verify API key." return 2 fi _savedeployconf DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY" _info "TrueNAS health: OK"
########## System info
_info "Gather system info..." _ws_response=$(_ws_call "") _truenas_system=$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq -r '."version"' | cut -d '-' -f 2 | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') _truenas_version=$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq -r '."version"' | cut -d '-' -f 3) _info "TrueNAS system: $_truenas_system" _info "TrueNAS version: $_truenas_version" if [ "$_truenas_system" != "SCALE" ] && [ "$_truenas_system" != "CORE" ]; then _err "Cannot gather TrueNAS system. Nor CORE oder SCALE detected." return 10 fi
########## Gather current certificate
_info "Gather current WebUI certificate..." _ws_response="$(_ws_call "system.general.config")" _ui_certificate_id=$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq -r '."ui_certificate"."id"') _ui_certificate_name=$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq -r '."ui_certificate"."name"') _info "Current WebUI certificate ID: $_ui_certificate_id" _info "Current WebUI certificate name: $_ui_certificate_name"
########## Upload new certificate
_info "Upload new certificate..." _certname="acme_$(_utc_date | tr -d '\-\:' | tr ' ' '_')" _debug _certname "$_certname" _ws_jobid=$(_ws_call "certificate.create" "{\"name\": \"${_certname}\", \"create_type\": \"CERTIFICATE_CREATE_IMPORTED\", \"certificate\": \"$(_json_encode <"$_file_fullchain")\", \"privatekey\": \"$(_json_encode <"$_file_key")\", \"passphrase\": \"\"}") _debug "_ws_jobid" "$_ws_jobid" if ! _ws_check_jobid "$_ws_jobid"; then _err "No JobID returned from websocket method." return 3 fi _ws_result=$(_ws_get_job_result "$_ws_jobid") _ws_ret=$? if [ $_ws_ret -gt 0 ]; then return $_ws_ret fi _debug "_ws_result" "$_ws_result" _new_certid=$(printf "%s" "$_ws_result" | jq -r '."id"') _info "New certificate ID: $_new_certid"
########## FTP
_info "Replace FTP certificate..." _ws_response=$(_ws_call "ftp.update" "{\"ssltls_certificate\": $_new_certid}") _ftp_certid=$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq -r '."ssltls_certificate"') if [ "$_ftp_certid" != "$_new_certid" ]; then _err "Cannot set FTP certificate." _debug "_ws_response" "$_ws_response" return 4 fi
########## ix Apps (SCALE only)
if [ "$_truenas_system" = "SCALE" ]; then _info "Replace app certificates..." _ws_response=$(_ws_call "app.query") for _app_name in $(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq -r '.[]."name"'); do _info "Checking app $_app_name..." _ws_response=$(_ws_call "app.config" "$_app_name") if [ "$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq -r '."network" | has("certificate_id")')" = "true" ]; then _info "App has certificate option, setup new certificate..." _info "App will be redeployed after updating the certificate." _ws_jobid=$(_ws_call "app.update" "$_app_name" "{\"values\": {\"network\": {\"certificate_id\": $_new_certid}}}") _debug "_ws_jobid" "$_ws_jobid" if ! _ws_check_jobid "$_ws_jobid"; then _err "No JobID returned from websocket method." return 3 fi _ws_result=$(_ws_get_job_result "$_ws_jobid") _ws_ret=$? if [ $_ws_ret -gt 0 ]; then return $_ws_ret fi _debug "_ws_result" "$_ws_result" _info "App certificate replaced." else _info "App has no certificate option, skipping..." fi done fi
########## WebUI
_info "Replace WebUI certificate..." _ws_response=$(_ws_call "system.general.update" "{\"ui_certificate\": $_new_certid}") _changed_certid=$(printf "%s" "$_ws_response" | jq -r '."ui_certificate"."id"') if [ "$_changed_certid" != "$_new_certid" ]; then _err "WebUI certificate change error.." return 5 else _info "WebUI certificate replaced." fi _info "Restarting WebUI..." _ws_response=$(_ws_call "system.general.ui_restart") _info "Waiting for UI restart..." sleep 6
########## Certificates
_info "Deleting old certificate..." _ws_jobid=$(_ws_call "certificate.delete" "$_ui_certificate_id") if ! _ws_check_jobid "$_ws_jobid"; then _err "No JobID returned from websocket method." return 3 fi _ws_result=$(_ws_get_job_result "$_ws_jobid") _ws_ret=$? if [ $_ws_ret -gt 0 ]; then return $_ws_ret fi
_info "Have a nice day...bye!"