#!/usr/bin/env sh
# shellcheck disable=SC2034 dns_mijnhost_info='mijn.host Domains: mijn.host Site: mijn.host Docs: https://mijn.host/api/doc/ Options: MIJNHOST_API_KEY API Key '
######## Public functions ###################### Constants for your mijn-host API MIJNHOST_API="https://mijn.host/api/v2"
# Add TXT record for domain verification dns_mijnhost_add() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2
MIJNHOST_API_KEY="${MIJNHOST_API_KEY:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MIJNHOST_API_KEY)}" if [ -z "$MIJNHOST_API_KEY" ]; then MIJNHOST_API_KEY="" _err "You haven't specified your mijn-host API key yet." _err "Please add MIJNHOST_API_KEY to the env." return 1 fi
# Save the API key for future use _saveaccountconf_mutable MIJNHOST_API_KEY "$MIJNHOST_API_KEY"
_debug "First detect the root zone" if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then _err "Invalid domain" return 1 fi
_debug2 _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" _debug2 _domain "$_domain" _debug "Adding DNS record" "${fulldomain}."
# Construct the API URL api_url="$MIJNHOST_API/domains/$_domain/dns"
# Getting previous records _mijnhost_rest GET "$api_url" ""
if [ "$_code" != "200" ]; then _err "Error getting current DNS enties ($_code)" return 1 fi
records=$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o '"records":\[.*\]' | sed 's/"records"://')
_debug2 "Current records" "$records"
# Build the payload for the API data="{\"type\":\"TXT\",\"name\":\"$fulldomain.\",\"value\":\"$txtvalue\",\"ttl\":300}"
_debug2 "Record to add" "$data"
# Updating the records updated_records=$(echo "$records" | sed -E "s/\]( *$)/,$data\]/")
_debug2 "Updated records" "$updated_records"
# data data="{\"records\": $updated_records}"
_mijnhost_rest PUT "$api_url" "$data"
if [ "$_code" = "200" ]; then _info "DNS record succesfully added." return 0 else _err "Error adding DNS record ($_code)." return 1 fi }
# Remove TXT record after verification dns_mijnhost_rm() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2
MIJNHOST_API_KEY="${MIJNHOST_API_KEY:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MIJNHOST_API_KEY)}" if [ -z "$MIJNHOST_API_KEY" ]; then MIJNHOST_API_KEY="" _err "You haven't specified your mijn-host API key yet." _err "Please add MIJNHOST_API_KEY to the env." return 1 fi
_debug "Detecting root zone for" "${fulldomain}." if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then _err "Invalid domain" return 1 fi
_debug "Removing DNS record for TXT value" "${txtvalue}."
# Construct the API URL api_url="$MIJNHOST_API/domains/$_domain/dns"
# Get current records _mijnhost_rest GET "$api_url" ""
if [ "$_code" != "200" ]; then _err "Error getting current DNS enties ($_code)" return 1 fi
_debug2 "Get current records response:" "$response"
records=$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o '"records":\[.*\]' | sed 's/"records"://')
_debug2 "Current records:" "$records"
updated_records=$(echo "$records" | sed -E "s/\{[^}]*\"value\":\"$txtvalue\"[^}]*\},?//g" | sed 's/,]/]/g')
_debug2 "Updated records:" "$updated_records"
# Build the new payload data="{\"records\": $updated_records}"
# Use the _put method to update the records _mijnhost_rest PUT "$api_url" "$data"
if [ "$_code" = "200" ]; then _info "DNS record removed successfully." return 0 else _err "Error removing DNS record ($_code)." return 1 fi }
# Helper function to detect the root zone _get_root() { domain=$1
# Get current records _debug "Getting current domains" _mijnhost_rest GET "$MIJNHOST_API/domains" ""
if [ "$_code" != "200" ]; then _err "error getting current domains ($_code)" return 1 fi
# Extract root domains from response rootDomains=$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o '"domain":"[^"]*"' | sed -E 's/"domain":"([^"]*)"/\1/') _debug "Root domains:" "$rootDomains"
for rootDomain in $rootDomains; do if _contains "$domain" "$rootDomain"; then _domain="$rootDomain" _sub_domain=$(echo "$domain" | sed "s/.$rootDomain//g") _debug "Found root domain" "$_domain" "and subdomain" "$_sub_domain" "for" "$domain" return 0 fi done return 1 }
# Helper function for rest calls _mijnhost_rest() { m=$1 ep="$2" data="$3"
MAX_REQUEST_RETRY_TIMES=5 _request_retry_times=0 _retry_sleep=5 #Initial sleep time in seconds.
while [ "${_request_retry_times}" -lt "$MAX_REQUEST_RETRY_TIMES" ]; do _debug3 _request_retry_times "$_request_retry_times" export _H1="API-Key: $MIJNHOST_API_KEY" export _H2="Content-Type: application/json" # clear headers from previous request to avoid getting wrong http code on timeouts : >"$HTTP_HEADER" _debug "$ep" if [ "$m" != "GET" ]; then _debug2 "data $data" response="$(_post "$data" "$ep" "" "$m")" else response="$(_get "$ep")" fi _ret="$?" _debug2 "response $response" _code="$(grep "^HTTP" "$HTTP_HEADER" | _tail_n 1 | cut -d " " -f 2 | tr -d "\\r\\n")" _debug "http response code $_code" if [ "$_code" = "401" ]; then # we have an invalid API token, maybe it is expired? _err "Access denied. Invalid API token." return 1 fi
if [ "$_ret" != "0" ] || [ -z "$_code" ] || [ "$_code" = "400" ] || _contains "$response" "DNS records not managed by mijn.host"; then #Sometimes API errors out _request_retry_times="$(_math "$_request_retry_times" + 1)" _info "REST call error $_code retrying $ep in $_retry_sleep s" _sleep "$_retry_sleep" _retry_sleep="$(_math "$_retry_sleep" \* 2)" continue fi break done if [ "$_request_retry_times" = "$MAX_REQUEST_RETRY_TIMES" ]; then _err "Error mijn.host API call was retried $MAX_REQUEST_RETRY_TIMES times." _err "Calling $ep failed." return 1 fi response="$(echo "$response" | _normalizeJson)" return 0 }