#!/usr/bin/env sh
######################################################################## # NocWorx script for acme.sh # # Handles DNS Updates for the Following vendors: # - Nexcess.net # - Thermo.io # - Futurehosting.com # # Environment variables: # # - NW_API_TOKEN (Your API Token) # - NW_API_ENDPOINT (One of the following listed below) # # Endpoints: # - https://portal.nexcess.net (default) # - https://core.thermo.io # - https://my.futurehosting.com # # Note: If you do not have an API token, one can be generated at one # of the following URLs: # - https://portal.nexcess.net/api-token # - https://core.thermo.io/api-token # - https://my.futurehosting.com/api-token # # Author: Frank Laszlo <flaszlo@nexcess.net>
# dns_nw_add() - Add TXT record # Usage: dns_nw_add _acme-challenge.subdomain.domain.com "XyZ123..." dns_nw_add() { host="${1}" txtvalue="${2}"
_debug host "${host}" _debug txtvalue "${txtvalue}"
if ! _check_nw_api_creds; then return 1 fi
_info "Using NocWorx (${NW_API_ENDPOINT})" _debug "Calling: dns_nw_add() '${host}' '${txtvalue}'"
_debug "Detecting root zone" if ! _get_root "${host}"; then _err "Zone for domain does not exist." return 1 fi _debug _zone_id "${_zone_id}" _debug _sub_domain "${_sub_domain}" _debug _domain "${_domain}"
_post_data="{\"zone_id\": \"${_zone_id}\", \"type\": \"TXT\", \"host\": \"${host}\", \"target\": \"${txtvalue}\", \"ttl\": \"300\"}"
if _rest POST "dns-record" "${_post_data}" && [ -n "${response}" ]; then _record_id=$(printf "%s\n" "${response}" | _egrep_o "\"record_id\": *[0-9]+" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d " " | _head_n 1) _debug _record_id "${_record_id}"
if [ -z "$_record_id" ]; then _err "Error adding the TXT record." return 1 fi
_info "TXT record successfully added." return 0 fi
return 1 }
# dns_nw_rm() - Remove TXT record # Usage: dns_nw_rm _acme-challenge.subdomain.domain.com "XyZ123..." dns_nw_rm() { host="${1}" txtvalue="${2}"
_debug host "${host}" _debug txtvalue "${txtvalue}"
if ! _check_nw_api_creds; then return 1 fi
_info "Using NocWorx (${NW_API_ENDPOINT})" _debug "Calling: dns_nw_rm() '${host}'"
_debug "Detecting root zone" if ! _get_root "${host}"; then _err "Zone for domain does not exist." return 1 fi _debug _zone_id "${_zone_id}" _debug _sub_domain "${_sub_domain}" _debug _domain "${_domain}"
if _rest GET "dns-record" "${_parameters}" && [ -n "${response}" ]; then response="$(echo "${response}" | tr -d "\n" | sed 's/^\[\(.*\)\]$/\1/' | sed -e 's/{"record_id":/|"record_id":/g' | sed 's/|/&{/g' | tr "|" "\n")" _debug response "${response}"
record="$(echo "${response}" | _egrep_o "{.*\"host\": *\"${_sub_domain}\", *\"target\": *\"${txtvalue}\".*}")" _debug record "${record}"
if [ "${record}" ]; then _record_id=$(printf "%s\n" "${record}" | _egrep_o "\"record_id\": *[0-9]+" | _head_n 1 | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d \ ) if [ "${_record_id}" ]; then _debug _record_id "${_record_id}"
_rest DELETE "dns-record/${_record_id}"
_info "TXT record successfully deleted." return 0 fi
return 1 fi
return 0 fi
return 1 }
_check_nw_api_creds() { NW_API_TOKEN="${NW_API_TOKEN:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable NW_API_TOKEN)}" NW_API_ENDPOINT="${NW_API_ENDPOINT:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable NW_API_ENDPOINT)}"
if [ -z "${NW_API_ENDPOINT}" ]; then NW_API_ENDPOINT="https://portal.nexcess.net" fi
if [ -z "${NW_API_TOKEN}" ]; then _err "You have not defined your NW_API_TOKEN." _err "Please create your token and try again." _err "If you need to generate a new token, please visit one of the following URLs:" _err " - https://portal.nexcess.net/api-token" _err " - https://core.thermo.io/api-token" _err " - https://my.futurehosting.com/api-token"
return 1 fi
_saveaccountconf_mutable NW_API_TOKEN "${NW_API_TOKEN}" _saveaccountconf_mutable NW_API_ENDPOINT "${NW_API_ENDPOINT}" }
_get_root() { domain="${1}" i=2 p=1
if _rest GET "dns-zone"; then response="$(echo "${response}" | tr -d "\n" | sed 's/^\[\(.*\)\]$/\1/' | sed -e 's/{"zone_id":/|"zone_id":/g' | sed 's/|/&{/g' | tr "|" "\n")"
_debug response "${response}" while true; do h=$(printf "%s" "${domain}" | cut -d . -f $i-100) _debug h "${h}" if [ -z "${h}" ]; then #not valid return 1 fi
hostedzone="$(echo "${response}" | _egrep_o "{.*\"domain\": *\"${h}\".*}")" if [ "${hostedzone}" ]; then _zone_id=$(printf "%s\n" "${hostedzone}" | _egrep_o "\"zone_id\": *[0-9]+" | _head_n 1 | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d \ ) if [ "${_zone_id}" ]; then _sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "${domain}" | cut -d . -f 1-${p}) _domain="${h}" return 0 fi return 1 fi p=$i i=$(_math "${i}" + 1) done fi return 1 }
_rest() { method="${1}" ep="/${2}" data="${3}"
_debug method "${method}" _debug ep "${ep}"
export _H1="Accept: application/json" export _H2="Content-Type: application/json" export _H3="Api-Version: ${NW_API_VERSION}" export _H4="User-Agent: NW-ACME-CLIENT" export _H5="Authorization: Bearer ${NW_API_TOKEN}"
if [ "${method}" != "GET" ]; then _debug data "${data}" response="$(_post "${data}" "${NW_API_ENDPOINT}${ep}" "" "${method}")" else response="$(_get "${NW_API_ENDPOINT}${ep}${data}")" fi
if [ "${?}" != "0" ]; then _err "error ${ep}" return 1 fi _debug2 response "${response}" return 0 }