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#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Author: Radek Sprta <>
######## Public functions #####################
# Usage: add "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" dns_clouddns_add() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2 _debug "fulldomain" "$fulldomain"
if [ -z "$CLOUDDNS_PASSWORD" ] || [ -z "$CLOUDDNS_EMAIL" ] || [ -z "$CLOUDDNS_CLIENT_ID" ]; then CLOUDDNS_CLIENT_ID="" CLOUDDNS_EMAIL="" CLOUDDNS_PASSWORD="" _err "You didn't specify a CloudDNS password, email and client ID yet." return 1 fi if ! _contains "$CLOUDDNS_EMAIL" "@"; then _err "It seems that the CLOUDDNS_EMAIL=$CLOUDDNS_EMAIL is not a valid email address." _err "Please check and retry." return 1 fi # Save CloudDNS client id, email and password to config file _saveaccountconf_mutable CLOUDDNS_CLIENT_ID "$CLOUDDNS_CLIENT_ID" _saveaccountconf_mutable CLOUDDNS_EMAIL "$CLOUDDNS_EMAIL" _saveaccountconf_mutable CLOUDDNS_PASSWORD "$CLOUDDNS_PASSWORD"
_debug "First detect the root zone" if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then _err "Invalid domain" return 1 fi _debug _domain_id "$_domain_id" _debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" _debug _domain "$_domain"
_info "Adding record" if _clouddns_api POST "record-txt" "{\"type\":\"TXT\",\"name\":\"$fulldomain.\",\"value\":\"$txtvalue\",\"domainId\":\"$_domain_id\"}"; then if _contains "$response" "$txtvalue"; then _info "Added, OK" elif _contains "$response" '"code":4136'; then _info "Already exists, OK" else _err "Add TXT record error." return 1 fi fi
_debug "Publishing record changes" _clouddns_api PUT "domain/$_domain_id/publish" "{\"soaTtl\":300}" }
# Usage: rm dns_clouddns_rm() { fulldomain=$1 _debug "fulldomain" "$fulldomain"
_debug "First detect the root zone" if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then _err "Invalid domain" return 1 fi _debug _domain_id "$_domain_id" _debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" _debug _domain "$_domain"
# Get record ID response="$(_clouddns_api GET "domain/$_domain_id" | tr -d '\t\r\n ')" _debug2 response "$response" if _contains "$response" "lastDomainRecordList"; then re="\"lastDomainRecordList\".*\"id\":\"([^\"}]*)\"[^}]*\"name\":\"$fulldomain.\"," _last_domains=$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o "$re") re2="\"id\":\"([^\"}]*)\"[^}]*\"name\":\"$fulldomain.\"," _record_id=$(echo "$_last_domains" | _egrep_o "$re2" | _head_n 1 | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d , -f 1 | tr -d "\"") _debug _record_id "$_record_id" else _err "Could not retrieve record ID" return 1 fi _info "Removing record" if _clouddns_api DELETE "record/$_record_id"; then if _contains "$response" "\"error\":"; then _err "Could not remove record" return 1 fi fi
_debug "Publishing record changes" _clouddns_api PUT "domain/$_domain_id/publish" "{\"soaTtl\":300}" }
#################### Private functions below ##################################
# Usage: _get_root # Returns: # _sub_domain=_acme-challenge.www # # _domain_id=sdjkglgdfewsdfg _get_root() { domain=$1
# Get domain root data="{\"search\": [{\"name\": \"clientId\", \"operator\": \"eq\", \"value\": \"$CLOUDDNS_CLIENT_ID\"}]}" response="$(_clouddns_api "POST" "domain/search" "$data" | tr -d '\t\r\n ')" _debug2 response "$response" domain_slice="$domain" while [ -z "$domain_root" ]; do if _contains "$response" "\"domainName\":\"$domain_slice\.\""; then domain_root="$domain_slice" _debug domain_root "$domain_root" fi domain_slice="$(echo "$domain_slice" | cut -d . -f 2-)" done
# Get domain id data="{\"search\": [{\"name\": \"clientId\", \"operator\": \"eq\", \"value\": \"$CLOUDDNS_CLIENT_ID\"}, \
{\"name\": \"domainName\", \"operator\": \"eq\", \"value\": \"$domain_root.\"}]}"
response="$(_clouddns_api "POST" "domain/search" "$data" | tr -d '\t\r\n ')" if _contains "$response" "\"id\":\""; then re='domainType\":\"[^\"]*\",\"id\":\"([^\"]*)\",' # Match domain id _domain_id=$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o "$re" | _head_n 1 | cut -d : -f 3 | tr -d "\",") if [ "$_domain_id" ]; then _sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | sed "s/.$domain_root//") _domain="$domain_root" return 0 fi _err 'Domain name not found on your CloudDNS account' return 1 fi return 1 }
# Usage: _clouddns_api GET domain/search '{"data": "value"}' # Returns: # response='{"message": "api response"}' _clouddns_api() { method=$1 endpoint="$2" data="$3" _debug endpoint "$endpoint"
if [ -z "$CLOUDDNS_TOKEN" ]; then _clouddns_login fi _debug CLOUDDNS_TOKEN "$CLOUDDNS_TOKEN"
export _H1="Content-Type: application/json" export _H2="Authorization: Bearer $CLOUDDNS_TOKEN"
if [ "$method" != "GET" ]; then _debug data "$data" response="$(_post "$data" "$CLOUDDNS_API/$endpoint" "" "$method")" else response="$(_get "$CLOUDDNS_API/$endpoint")" fi
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then _err "Error $endpoint" return 1 fi printf "%s" "$response" return 0 }
# Returns: # CLOUDDNS_TOKEN=dslfje2rj23l _clouddns_login() { login_data="{\"email\": \"$CLOUDDNS_EMAIL\", \"password\": \"$CLOUDDNS_PASSWORD\"}" response="$(_post "$login_data" "$CLOUDDNS_LOGIN_API" "" "POST" "Content-Type: application/json")" _debug2 response "$response"
if _contains "$response" "\"accessToken\":\""; then CLOUDDNS_TOKEN=$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o "\"accessToken\":\"[^\"]*\"" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d \") export CLOUDDNS_TOKEN else echo 'Could not get CloudDNS access token; check your credentials' return 1 fi return 0 }