#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Here is a scipt to deploy the cert to your TrueNAS using the REST API. # https://www.truenas.com/docs/hub/additional-topics/api/rest_api.html # # Written by Frank Plass github@f-plass.de # https://github.com/danb35/deploy-freenas/blob/master/deploy_freenas.py # Thanks to danb35 for your template! # # Following environment variables must be set: # # export DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY="<API_KEY_GENERATED_IN_THE_WEB_UI>" # # The following environmental variables may be set if you don't like their # default values: # # DEPLOY_TRUENAS_HOSTNAME - defaults to localhost # DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME - defaults to http, set alternatively to https # #returns 0 means success, otherwise error.
######## Public functions #####################
#domain keyfile certfile cafile fullchain truenas_deploy() { _cdomain="$1" _ckey="$2" _ccert="$3" _cca="$4" _cfullchain="$5"
_debug _cdomain "$_cdomain" _debug _ckey "$_ckey" _debug _ccert "$_ccert" _debug _cca "$_cca" _debug _cfullchain "$_cfullchain"
if [ -z "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY" ]; then _err "TrueNAS API key not found, please set the DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY environment variable." return 1 fi _secure_debug2 DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY"
# Optional hostname, scheme for TrueNAS _getdeployconf DEPLOY_TRUENAS_HOSTNAME _getdeployconf DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME
# default values for hostname and scheme [ -n "${DEPLOY_TRUENAS_HOSTNAME}" ] || DEPLOY_TRUENAS_HOSTNAME="localhost" [ -n "${DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME}" ] || DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME="http"
_api_url="$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME://$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_HOSTNAME/api/v2.0" _debug _api_url "$_api_url"
_H1="Authorization: Bearer $DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY" _secure_debug3 _H1 "$_H1"
_info "Testing Connection TrueNAS" _response=$(_get "$_api_url/system/state") _info "TrueNAS system state: $_response."
_info "Getting TrueNAS version" _response=$(_get "$_api_url/system/version")
if echo "$_response" | grep -q "SCALE"; then _truenas_os=$(echo "$_response" | cut -d '-' -f 2) _truenas_version=$(echo "$_response" | cut -d '-' -f 3 | tr -d '"' | cut -d '.' -f 1,2) else _truenas_os="unknown" _truenas_version="unknown" fi
_info "Detected TrueNAS system os: $_truenas_os" _info "Detected TrueNAS system version: $_truenas_version"
if [ -z "$_response" ]; then _err "Unable to authenticate to $_api_url." _err 'Check your connection settings are correct, e.g.' _err 'DEPLOY_TRUENAS_HOSTNAME="192.168.x.y" or DEPLOY_TRUENAS_HOSTNAME="truenas.example.com".' _err 'DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME="https" or DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME="http".' _err "Verify your TrueNAS API key is valid and set correctly, e.g. DEPLOY_TRUENAS_APIKEY=xxxx...." return 1 fi
_info "Getting current active certificate from TrueNAS" _response=$(_get "$_api_url/system/general") _active_cert_id=$(echo "$_response" | grep -B2 '"name":' | grep 'id' | tr -d -- '"id: ,') _active_cert_name=$(echo "$_response" | grep '"name":' | sed -n 's/.*: "\(.\{1,\}\)",$/\1/p') _param_httpsredirect=$(echo "$_response" | grep '"ui_httpsredirect":' | sed -n 's/.*": \(.\{1,\}\),$/\1/p') _debug Active_UI_Certificate_ID "$_active_cert_id" _debug Active_UI_Certificate_Name "$_active_cert_name" _debug Active_UI_http_redirect "$_param_httpsredirect"
if [ "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME" = "http" ] && [ "$_param_httpsredirect" = "true" ]; then _info "HTTP->HTTPS redirection is enabled" _info "Setting DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME to 'https'" DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME="https" _api_url="$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME://$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_HOSTNAME/api/v2.0" _savedeployconf DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME "$DEPLOY_TRUENAS_SCHEME" fi
_info "Uploading new certificate to TrueNAS" _certname="Letsencrypt_$(_utc_date | tr ' ' '_' | tr -d -- ':')" _debug3 _certname "$_certname"
_certData="{\"create_type\": \"CERTIFICATE_CREATE_IMPORTED\", \"name\": \"${_certname}\", \"certificate\": \"$(_json_encode <"$_cfullchain")\", \"privatekey\": \"$(_json_encode <"$_ckey")\"}" _add_cert_result="$(_post "$_certData" "$_api_url/certificate" "" "POST" "application/json")"
_debug3 _add_cert_result "$_add_cert_result"
_info "Fetching list of installed certificates" _cert_list=$(_get "$_api_url/system/general/ui_certificate_choices") _cert_id=$(echo "$_cert_list" | grep "$_certname" | sed -n 's/.*"\([0-9]\{1,\}\)".*$/\1/p')
_debug3 _cert_id "$_cert_id"
_info "Current activate certificate ID: $_cert_id" _activateData="{\"ui_certificate\": \"${_cert_id}\"}" _activate_result="$(_post "$_activateData" "$_api_url/system/general" "" "PUT" "application/json")"
_debug3 _activate_result "$_activate_result"
_truenas_version_23_10="23.10" _truenas_version_24_10="24.10"
_check_version=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$_truenas_version_23_10" "$_truenas_version" | sort -V | head -n 1) if [ "$_truenas_os" != "SCALE" ] || [ "$_check_version" != "$_truenas_version_23_10" ]; then _info "Checking if WebDAV certificate is the same as the TrueNAS web UI" _webdav_list=$(_get "$_api_url/webdav") _webdav_cert_id=$(echo "$_webdav_list" | grep '"certssl":' | tr -d -- '"certsl: ,')
if [ "$_webdav_cert_id" = "$_active_cert_id" ]; then _info "Updating the WebDAV certificate" _debug _webdav_cert_id "$_webdav_cert_id" _webdav_data="{\"certssl\": \"${_cert_id}\"}" _activate_webdav_cert="$(_post "$_webdav_data" "$_api_url/webdav" "" "PUT" "application/json")" _webdav_new_cert_id=$(echo "$_activate_webdav_cert" | _json_decode | grep '"certssl":' | sed -n 's/.*: \([0-9]\{1,\}\),\{0,1\}$/\1/p') if [ "$_webdav_new_cert_id" -eq "$_cert_id" ]; then _info "WebDAV certificate updated successfully" else _err "Unable to set WebDAV certificate" _debug3 _activate_webdav_cert "$_activate_webdav_cert" _debug3 _webdav_new_cert_id "$_webdav_new_cert_id" return 1 fi _debug3 _webdav_new_cert_id "$_webdav_new_cert_id" else _info "WebDAV certificate is not configured or is not the same as TrueNAS web UI" fi
_info "Checking if S3 certificate is the same as the TrueNAS web UI" _s3_list=$(_get "$_api_url/s3") _s3_cert_id=$(echo "$_s3_list" | grep '"certificate":' | tr -d -- '"certifa:_ ,')
if [ "$_s3_cert_id" = "$_active_cert_id" ]; then _info "Updating the S3 certificate" _debug _s3_cert_id "$_s3_cert_id" _s3_data="{\"certificate\": \"${_cert_id}\"}" _activate_s3_cert="$(_post "$_s3_data" "$_api_url/s3" "" "PUT" "application/json")" _s3_new_cert_id=$(echo "$_activate_s3_cert" | _json_decode | grep '"certificate":' | sed -n 's/.*: \([0-9]\{1,\}\),\{0,1\}$/\1/p') if [ "$_s3_new_cert_id" -eq "$_cert_id" ]; then _info "S3 certificate updated successfully" else _err "Unable to set S3 certificate" _debug3 _activate_s3_cert "$_activate_s3_cert" _debug3 _s3_new_cert_id "$_s3_new_cert_id" return 1 fi _debug3 _activate_s3_cert "$_activate_s3_cert" else _info "S3 certificate is not configured or is not the same as TrueNAS web UI" fi fi
if [ "$_truenas_os" = "SCALE" ]; then _check_version=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$_truenas_version_24_10" "$_truenas_version" | sort -V | head -n 1) if [ "$_check_version" != "$_truenas_version_24_10" ]; then _info "Checking if any chart release Apps is using the same certificate as TrueNAS web UI. Tool 'jq' is required" if _exists jq; then _info "Query all chart release" _release_list=$(_get "$_api_url/chart/release") _related_name_list=$(printf "%s" "$_release_list" | jq -r "[.[] | {name,certId: .config.ingress?.main.tls[]?.scaleCert} | select(.certId==$_active_cert_id) | .name ] | unique") _release_length=$(printf "%s" "$_related_name_list" | jq -r "length") _info "Found $_release_length related chart release in list: $_related_name_list" for i in $(seq 0 $((_release_length - 1))); do _release_name=$(echo "$_related_name_list" | jq -r ".[$i]") _info "Updating certificate from $_active_cert_id to $_cert_id for chart release: $_release_name" #Read the chart release configuration _chart_config=$(printf "%s" "$_release_list" | jq -r ".[] | select(.name==\"$_release_name\")") #Replace the old certificate id with the new one in path .config.ingress.main.tls[].scaleCert. Then update .config.ingress _updated_chart_config=$(printf "%s" "$_chart_config" | jq "(.config.ingress?.main.tls[]? | select(.scaleCert==$_active_cert_id) | .scaleCert ) |= $_cert_id | .config.ingress ") _update_chart_result="$(_post "{\"values\" : { \"ingress\" : $_updated_chart_config } }" "$_api_url/chart/release/id/$_release_name" "" "PUT" "application/json")" _debug3 _update_chart_result "$_update_chart_result" done else _info "Tool 'jq' does not exists, skip chart release checking" fi else _info "Checking if any app is using the same certificate as TrueNAS web UI. Tool 'jq' is required" if _exists jq; then _info "Query all apps" _app_list=$(_get "$_api_url/app") _app_id_list=$(printf "%s" "$_app_list" | jq -r '.[].name') _app_length=$(echo "$_app_id_list" | wc -l) _info "Found $_app_length apps" _info "Checking for each app if an update is needed" for i in $(seq 1 "$_app_length"); do _app_id=$(echo "$_app_id_list" | sed -n "${i}p") _app_config="$(_post "\"$_app_id\"" "$_api_url/app/config" "" "POST" "application/json")" # Check if the app use the same certificate TrueNAS web UI _app_active_cert_config=$(echo "$_app_config" | tr -d '\000-\037' | _json_decode | jq -r ".ix_certificates[\"$_active_cert_id\"]") if [ "$_app_active_cert_config" != "null" ]; then _info "Updating certificate from $_active_cert_id to $_cert_id for app: $_app_id" #Replace the old certificate id with the new one in path _update_app_result="$(_post "{\"values\" : { \"network\": { \"certificate_id\": $_cert_id } } }" "$_api_url/app/id/$_app_id" "" "PUT" "application/json")" _debug3 _update_app_result "$_update_app_result" fi done else _info "Tool 'jq' does not exists, skip app checking" fi fi fi
_info "Checking if FTP certificate is the same as the TrueNAS web UI" _ftp_list=$(_get "$_api_url/ftp") _ftp_cert_id=$(echo "$_ftp_list" | grep '"ssltls_certificate":' | tr -d -- '"certislfa:_ ,')
if [ "$_ftp_cert_id" = "$_active_cert_id" ]; then _info "Updating the FTP certificate" _debug _ftp_cert_id "$_ftp_cert_id" _ftp_data="{\"ssltls_certificate\": \"${_cert_id}\"}" _activate_ftp_cert="$(_post "$_ftp_data" "$_api_url/ftp" "" "PUT" "application/json")" _ftp_new_cert_id=$(echo "$_activate_ftp_cert" | _json_decode | grep '"ssltls_certificate":' | sed -n 's/.*: \([0-9]\{1,\}\),\{0,1\}$/\1/p') if [ "$_ftp_new_cert_id" -eq "$_cert_id" ]; then _info "FTP certificate updated successfully" else _err "Unable to set FTP certificate" _debug3 _activate_ftp_cert "$_activate_ftp_cert" _debug3 _ftp_new_cert_id "$_ftp_new_cert_id" return 1 fi _debug3 _activate_ftp_cert "$_activate_ftp_cert" else _info "FTP certificate is not configured or is not the same as TrueNAS web UI" fi
_info "Deleting old certificate" _delete_result="$(_post "" "$_api_url/certificate/id/$_active_cert_id" "" "DELETE" "application/json")"
_debug3 _delete_result "$_delete_result"
_info "Reloading TrueNAS web UI" _restart_UI=$(_get "$_api_url/system/general/ui_restart") _debug2 _restart_UI "$_restart_UI"
if [ -n "$_add_cert_result" ] && [ -n "$_activate_result" ]; then return 0 else _err "Certificate update was not succesful, please try again with --debug" return 1 fi }