#!/usr/bin/env sh
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
# Variables that must be defined before running # export SL_Ver="v1" - version API: 'v2' (actual) or 'v1' (legacy). # Default: v1 # If SL_Ver="v1" # export SL_Key="API_Key" - Token Selectel (API key) # You can view or create in the control panel in the upper right corner, open the menu: "Profile and setting -> Keys API". # https://my.selectel.ru/profile/apikeys # If SL_Ver="v2" # export SL_Expire=60 - token lifetime in minutes (0-1440). # Default: 1400 minutes # export SL_Login_ID=<account_id> - account number in the control panel; # export SL_Project_Name=<project_name> - name project. # export SL_Login_Name=<username> - service user name. You can view the name in the control panel: # in the upper right corner open menu: "Profile and setting → User management → Service users # export SL_Pswd='pswd' - service user password, can be viewed when creating a user or changed to a new one. # All these variables will be saved in ~/.acme.sh/account.conf and will be reused as needed. # # Authorization is described in: # https://developers.selectel.ru/docs/control-panel/authorization/ # https://developers.selectel.com/docs/control-panel/authorization/
SL_Api="https://api.selectel.ru/domains" auth_uri="https://cloud.api.selcloud.ru/identity/v3/auth/tokens" _sl_sep='#'
######## Public functions #####################
#Usage: add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" dns_selectel_add() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2
if ! _sl_init_vars; then return 1 fi _debug2 SL_Ver "$SL_Ver" _debug2 SL_Expire "$SL_Expire" _debug2 SL_Login_Name "$SL_Login_Name" _debug2 SL_Login_ID "$SL_Login_ID" _debug2 SL_Project_Name "$SL_Project_Name"
_debug "First detect the root zone" if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then _err "invalid domain" return 1 fi _debug _domain_id "$_domain_id" _debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" _debug _domain "$_domain"
_info "Adding record" if [ "$SL_Ver" = "v2" ]; then _ext_srv1="/zones/" _ext_srv2="/rrset/" _text_tmp=$(echo "$txtvalue" | sed -En "s/[\"]*([^\"]*)/\1/p") _text_tmp='\"'$_text_tmp'\"' _data="{\"type\": \"TXT\", \"ttl\": 60, \"name\": \"${fulldomain}.\", \"records\": [{\"content\":\"$_text_tmp\"}]}" elif [ "$SL_Ver" = "v1" ]; then _ext_srv1="/" _ext_srv2="/records/" _data="{\"type\":\"TXT\",\"ttl\":60,\"name\":\"$fulldomain\",\"content\":\"$txtvalue\"}" else _err "Error. Unsupported version API $SL_Ver" return 1 fi _ext_uri="${_ext_srv1}$_domain_id${_ext_srv2}" _debug _ext_uri "$_ext_uri" _debug _data "$_data"
if _sl_rest POST "$_ext_uri" "$_data"; then if _contains "$response" "$txtvalue"; then _info "Added, OK" return 0 fi if _contains "$response" "already_exists"; then # record TXT with $fulldomain already exists if [ "$SL_Ver" = "v2" ]; then # It is necessary to add one more content to the comments # read all records rrset _debug "Getting txt records" _sl_rest GET "${_ext_uri}" # There is already a $txtvalue value, no need to add it if _contains "$response" "$txtvalue"; then _info "Added, OK" _info "Txt record ${fulldomain} with value ${txtvalue} already exists" return 0 fi # group \1 - full record rrset; group \2 - records attribute value, exactly {"content":"\"value1\""},{"content":"\"value2\""}",... _record_seg="$(echo "$response" | sed -En "s/.*(\{\"id\"[^}]*${fulldomain}[^}]*records[^}]*\[(\{[^]]*\})\][^}]*}).*/\1/p")" _record_array="$(echo "$response" | sed -En "s/.*(\{\"id\"[^}]*${fulldomain}[^}]*records[^}]*\[(\{[^]]*\})\][^}]*}).*/\2/p")" # record id _record_id="$(echo "$_record_seg" | tr "," "\n" | tr "}" "\n" | tr -d " " | grep "\"id\"" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d "\"")" # preparing _data _tmp_str="${_record_array},{\"content\":\"${_text_tmp}\"}" _data="{\"ttl\": 60, \"records\": [${_tmp_str}]}" _debug2 _record_seg "$_record_seg" _debug2 _record_array "$_record_array" _debug2 _record_array "$_record_id" _debug "New data for record" "$_data" if _sl_rest PATCH "${_ext_uri}${_record_id}" "$_data"; then _info "Added, OK" return 0 fi elif [ "$SL_Ver" = "v1" ]; then _info "Added, OK" return 0 fi fi fi _err "Add txt record error." return 1 }
#fulldomain txtvalue dns_selectel_rm() { fulldomain=$1 txtvalue=$2
if ! _sl_init_vars "nosave"; then return 1 fi _debug2 SL_Ver "$SL_Ver" _debug2 SL_Expire "$SL_Expire" _debug2 SL_Login_Name "$SL_Login_Name" _debug2 SL_Login_ID "$SL_Login_ID" _debug2 SL_Project_Name "$SL_Project_Name" # _debug "First detect the root zone" if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then _err "invalid domain" return 1 fi _debug _domain_id "$_domain_id" _debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" _debug _domain "$_domain" # if [ "$SL_Ver" = "v2" ]; then _ext_srv1="/zones/" _ext_srv2="/rrset/" elif [ "$SL_Ver" = "v1" ]; then _ext_srv1="/" _ext_srv2="/records/" else _err "Error. Unsupported version API $SL_Ver" return 1 fi # _debug "Getting txt records" _ext_uri="${_ext_srv1}$_domain_id${_ext_srv2}" _debug _ext_uri "$_ext_uri" _sl_rest GET "${_ext_uri}" # if ! _contains "$response" "$txtvalue"; then _err "Txt record not found" return 1 fi # if [ "$SL_Ver" = "v2" ]; then _record_seg="$(echo "$response" | sed -En "s/.*(\{\"id\"[^}]*records[^[]*(\[(\{[^]]*${txtvalue}[^]]*)\])[^}]*}).*/\1/gp")" _record_arr="$(echo "$response" | sed -En "s/.*(\{\"id\"[^}]*records[^[]*(\[(\{[^]]*${txtvalue}[^]]*)\])[^}]*}).*/\3/p")" elif [ "$SL_Ver" = "v1" ]; then _record_seg="$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o "[^{]*\"content\" *: *\"$txtvalue\"[^}]*}")" else _err "Error. Unsupported version API $SL_Ver" return 1 fi _debug2 "_record_seg" "$_record_seg" if [ -z "$_record_seg" ]; then _err "can not find _record_seg" return 1 fi # record id # the following lines change the algorithm for deleting records with the value $txtvalue # if you use the 1st line, then all such records are deleted at once # if you use the 2nd line, then only the first entry from them is deleted #_record_id="$(echo "$_record_seg" | tr "," "\n" | tr "}" "\n" | tr -d " " | grep "\"id\"" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d "\"")" _record_id="$(echo "$_record_seg" | tr "," "\n" | tr "}" "\n" | tr -d " " | grep "\"id\"" | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d "\"" | sed '1!d')" if [ -z "$_record_id" ]; then _err "can not find _record_id" return 1 fi _debug2 "_record_id" "$_record_id" # delete all record type TXT with text $txtvalue if [ "$SL_Ver" = "v2" ]; then # actual _new_arr="$(echo "$_record_seg" | sed -En "s/.*(\{\"id\"[^}]*records[^[]*(\[(\{[^]]*${txtvalue}[^]]*)\])[^}]*}).*/\3/gp" | sed -En "s/(\},\{)/}\n{/gp" | sed "/${txtvalue}/d" | sed ":a;N;s/\n/,/;ta")" # uri record for DEL or PATCH _del_uri="${_ext_uri}${_record_id}" _debug _del_uri "$_del_uri" if [ -z "$_new_arr" ]; then # remove record if ! _sl_rest DELETE "${_del_uri}"; then _err "Delete record error: ${_del_uri}." else info "Delete record success: ${_del_uri}." fi else # update a record by removing one element in content _data="{\"ttl\": 60, \"records\": [${_new_arr}]}" _debug2 _data "$_data" # REST API PATCH call if _sl_rest PATCH "${_del_uri}" "$_data"; then _info "Patched, OK: ${_del_uri}" else _err "Patched record error: ${_del_uri}." fi fi else # legacy for _one_id in $_record_id; do _del_uri="${_ext_uri}${_one_id}" _debug _del_uri "$_del_uri" if ! _sl_rest DELETE "${_del_uri}"; then _err "Delete record error: ${_del_uri}." else info "Delete record success: ${_del_uri}." fi done fi return 0 }
#################### Private functions below ##################################
_get_root() { domain=$1
if [ "$SL_Ver" = 'v1' ]; then # version API 1 if ! _sl_rest GET "/"; then return 1 fi i=2 p=1 while true; do h=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f "$i"-100) _debug h "$h" if [ -z "$h" ]; then return 1 fi if _contains "$response" "\"name\" *: *\"$h\","; then _sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f 1-"$p") _domain=$h _debug "Getting domain id for $h" if ! _sl_rest GET "/$h"; then _err "Error read records of all domains $SL_Ver" return 1 fi _domain_id="$(echo "$response" | tr "," "\n" | tr "}" "\n" | tr -d " " | grep "\"id\":" | cut -d : -f 2)" return 0 fi p=$i i=$(_math "$i" + 1) done _err "Error read records of all domains $SL_Ver" return 1 elif [ "$SL_Ver" = "v2" ]; then # version API 2 _ext_uri='/zones/' domain="${domain}." _debug "domain:: " "$domain" # read records of all domains if ! _sl_rest GET "$_ext_uri"; then _err "Error read records of all domains $SL_Ver" return 1 fi i=1 p=1 while true; do h=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f "$i"-100) _debug h "$h" if [ -z "$h" ]; then _err "The domain was not found among the registered ones" return 1 fi _domain_record=$(echo "$response" | sed -En "s/.*(\{[^}]*id[^}]*\"name\" *: *\"$h\"[^}]*}).*/\1/p") _debug "_domain_record:: " "$_domain_record" if [ -n "$_domain_record" ]; then _sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f 1-"$p") _domain=$h _debug "Getting domain id for $h" _domain_id=$(echo "$_domain_record" | sed -En "s/\{[^}]*\"id\" *: *\"([^\"]*)\"[^}]*\}/\1/p") return 0 fi p=$i i=$(_math "$i" + 1) done _err "Error read records of all domains $SL_Ver" return 1 else _err "Error. Unsupported version API $SL_Ver" return 1 fi }
################################################################# # use: method add_url body _sl_rest() { m=$1 ep="$2" data="$3"
_token=$(_get_auth_token) if [ -z "$_token" ]; then _err "BAD key or token $ep" return 1 fi if [ "$SL_Ver" = v2 ]; then _h1_name="X-Auth-Token" else _h1_name='X-Token' fi export _H1="${_h1_name}: ${_token}" export _H2="Content-Type: application/json" _debug2 "Full URI: " "$SL_Api/${SL_Ver}${ep}" _debug2 "_H1:" "$_H1" _debug2 "_H2:" "$_H2" if [ "$m" != "GET" ]; then _debug data "$data" response="$(_post "$data" "$SL_Api/${SL_Ver}${ep}" "" "$m")" else response="$(_get "$SL_Api/${SL_Ver}${ep}")" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then _err "error $ep" return 1 fi _debug2 response "$response" return 0 }
_get_auth_token() { if [ "$SL_Ver" = 'v1' ]; then # token for v1 _debug "Token v1" _token_keystone=$SL_Key elif [ "$SL_Ver" = 'v2' ]; then # token for v2. Get a token for calling the API _debug "Keystone Token v2" token_v2=$(_readaccountconf_mutable SL_Token_V2) if [ -n "$token_v2" ]; then # The structure with the token was considered. Let's check its validity # field 1 - SL_Login_Name # field 2 - token keystone # field 3 - SL_Login_ID # field 4 - SL_Project_Name # field 5 - Receipt time # separator - '$_sl_sep' _login_name=$(_getfield "$token_v2" 1 "$_sl_sep") _token_keystone=$(_getfield "$token_v2" 2 "$_sl_sep") _project_name=$(_getfield "$token_v2" 4 "$_sl_sep") _receipt_time=$(_getfield "$token_v2" 5 "$_sl_sep") _login_id=$(_getfield "$token_v2" 3 "$_sl_sep") _debug2 _login_name "$_login_name" _debug2 _login_id "$_login_id" _debug2 _project_name "$_project_name" # check the validity of the token for the user and the project and its lifetime _dt_diff_minute=$((($(date +%s) - _receipt_time) / 60)) _debug2 _dt_diff_minute "$_dt_diff_minute" [ "$_dt_diff_minute" -gt "$SL_Expire" ] && unset _token_keystone if [ "$_project_name" != "$SL_Project_Name" ] || [ "$_login_name" != "$SL_Login_Name" ] || [ "$_login_id" != "$SL_Login_ID" ]; then unset _token_keystone fi _debug "Get exists token" fi if [ -z "$_token_keystone" ]; then # the previous token is incorrect or was not received, get a new one _debug "Update (get new) token" _data_auth="{\"auth\":{\"identity\":{\"methods\":[\"password\"],\"password\":{\"user\":{\"name\":\"${SL_Login_Name}\",\"domain\":{\"name\":\"${SL_Login_ID}\"},\"password\":\"${SL_Pswd}\"}}},\"scope\":{\"project\":{\"name\":\"${SL_Project_Name}\",\"domain\":{\"name\":\"${SL_Login_ID}\"}}}}}" export _H1="Content-Type: application/json" _result=$(_post "$_data_auth" "$auth_uri") _token_keystone=$(grep 'x-subject-token' "$HTTP_HEADER" | sed -nE "s/[[:space:]]*x-subject-token:[[:space:]]*([[:print:]]*)(\r*)/\1/p") _dt_curr=$(date +%s) SL_Token_V2="${SL_Login_Name}${_sl_sep}${_token_keystone}${_sl_sep}${SL_Login_ID}${_sl_sep}${SL_Project_Name}${_sl_sep}${_dt_curr}" _saveaccountconf_mutable SL_Token_V2 "$SL_Token_V2" fi else # token set empty for unsupported version API _token_keystone="" fi printf -- "%s" "$_token_keystone" }
################################################################# # use: [non_save] _sl_init_vars() { _non_save="${1}" _debug2 _non_save "$_non_save"
_debug "First init variables" # version API SL_Ver="${SL_Ver:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SL_Ver)}" if [ -z "$SL_Ver" ]; then SL_Ver="v1" fi if ! [ "$SL_Ver" = "v1" ] && ! [ "$SL_Ver" = "v2" ]; then _err "You don't specify selectel.ru API version." _err "Please define specify API version." fi _debug2 SL_Ver "$SL_Ver" if [ "$SL_Ver" = "v1" ]; then # token SL_Key="${SL_Key:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SL_Key)}"
if [ -z "$SL_Key" ]; then SL_Key="" _err "You don't specify selectel.ru api key yet." _err "Please create you key and try again." return 1 fi #save the api key to the account conf file. if [ -z "$_non_save" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable SL_Key "$SL_Key" fi elif [ "$SL_Ver" = "v2" ]; then # time expire token SL_Expire="${SL_Expire:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SL_Expire)}" if [ -z "$SL_Expire" ]; then SL_Expire=1400 # 23h 20 min fi if [ -z "$_non_save" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable SL_Expire "$SL_Expire" fi # login service user SL_Login_Name="${SL_Login_Name:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SL_Login_Name)}" if [ -z "$SL_Login_Name" ]; then SL_Login_Name='' _err "You did not specify the selectel.ru API service user name." _err "Please provide a service user name and try again." return 1 fi if [ -z "$_non_save" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable SL_Login_Name "$SL_Login_Name" fi # user ID SL_Login_ID="${SL_Login_ID:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SL_Login_ID)}" if [ -z "$SL_Login_ID" ]; then SL_Login_ID='' _err "You did not specify the selectel.ru API user ID." _err "Please provide a user ID and try again." return 1 fi if [ -z "$_non_save" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable SL_Login_ID "$SL_Login_ID" fi # project name SL_Project_Name="${SL_Project_Name:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SL_Project_Name)}" if [ -z "$SL_Project_Name" ]; then SL_Project_Name='' _err "You did not specify the project name." _err "Please provide a project name and try again." return 1 fi if [ -z "$_non_save" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable SL_Project_Name "$SL_Project_Name" fi # service user password SL_Pswd="${SL_Pswd:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SL_Pswd)}" if [ -z "$SL_Pswd" ]; then SL_Pswd='' _err "You did not specify the service user password." _err "Please provide a service user password and try again." return 1 fi if [ -z "$_non_save" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable SL_Pswd "$SL_Pswd" "12345678" fi else SL_Ver="" _err "You also specified the wrong version of the selectel.ru API." _err "Please provide the correct API version and try again." return 1 fi if [ -z "$_non_save" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable SL_Ver "$SL_Ver" fi
return 0 }