- ```-realip``` -- (optionally) let linx-server know you (nginx, etc) are providing the X-Real-IP and/or X-Forwarded-For headers.
- ````-authfile path/to/authfile``` -- (optionally) require authorization for upload/delete by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
- ````-remoteauthfile path/to/remoteauthfile``` -- (optionally) require authorization for remote uploads by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
- ```-fastcgi``` -- (optionally) serve through fastcgi
- ```-nologs``` -- (optionally) disable request logs in stdout
#### SSL with built-in server
- ```-certfile path/to/your.crt``` -- Path to the ssl certificate (required if you want to use the https server)
- ```-keyfile path/to/your.key``` -- Path to the ssl key (required if you want to use the https server)
#### Use with http proxy
- ```-realip``` -- let linx-server know you (nginx, etc) are providing the X-Real-IP and/or X-Forwarded-For headers.
#### Use with fastcgi
- ```-fastcgi``` -- serve through fastcgi
#### Require API Keys for uploads
- ```-authfile path/to/authfile``` -- (optionally) require authorization for upload/delete by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
- ```-remoteauthfile path/to/remoteauthfile``` -- (optionally) require authorization for remote uploads by providing a newline-separated file of scrypted auth keys
A helper utility ```linx-genkey``` is provided which hashes keys to the format required in the auth files.
@ -74,11 +96,6 @@ The official IRC channel is #linx on irc.oftc.net
3. ```go build && ./linx-server```
Please refer to the [main TODO issue](https://github.com/andreimarcu/linx-server/issues/1)